Choose Happy

Today choose to be happy! For some of us easier said than done. Don’t let the enemy win. Negative thoughts to discourage your joy may bombard you. Keep looking up and saying NO, today I am going to be happy, joyous and free.

We all struggle when we’re in a season of hurt. The only way to get out of that hurt is to keep saying NO MORE. I am active in the Lord and the power of his might. Begin to see yourself in your mind’s eye happy. See yourself laughing and joyous.

Happy, Joy, Fun

For me, the struggle is always a battlefield in my head. If I let the enemy defeat me, what do I have? More of the same. I want to tell a quick story that was very releasing to me. It gave me the power to overcome the enemy yesterday.

While in the restroom, my head was spinning out of control. The enemy was filling my head with lies and deceit to keep me down. The enemy is a vile, disgusting entity. So while I was relieving myself of water, I thought this is the most offensive thing I could do was water on the Devil rebuking all his disgusting, evil ways. Then I am going to flush you down the toilet to be gone. OUT of my life! Fight fire with fire! When I spoke that NO MORE WILL YOU TORMENT MY THOUGHTS, DRAG DOWN MY LIFE, WHEN I FLUSH YOU DOWN TO THE SEWER YOU BELONG IN. I WAS ANGRY AT THE ENEMY FOR TAKING MY JOY. NO MORE WILL HE TAKE MY JOY.

After I gave praise for my joy and happiness. That all things were possible with Christ on my side.

It’s a little, to say the least, unorthodox to do something like this. I say whatever works to rid yourself of the enemy do it. Don’t lose your joy. No matter how hard you have to fight, fight!!!

All of us want peace, happiness, prosperity, and joy. If you lose the battle with the enemy in your head, don’t despair. Pick up your armor and tell him to get the hell out. Time for you to go! See yourself at peace. See yourself laughing. See yourself free of debts and worry. You can do it, I am praying for all who are reading this now that God is bringing peace to your heart, prosperity to your family, and happiness to your smile. In Jesus name, I pray this for you now.

Go kick some enemy behind! You and I will live a happy life and laugh in the face of despair. NO more do we suffer, we together NOW claim all Gods promise and joy for our lives.

Stay in peace, friends.

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