Stay Strong in Faith

What a journey it is when you give your life to a spiritual existence. Deciding that you will live your life from your soul and not your head. That means to me that I allow things to happen on God’s terms, allowing the universe to open up my destiny as it should. We, of course, have to do the work, but we must acknowledge our fate to be revealed to us.

For me, this has been a struggle. Imposing my will before God’s will is fear. It’s hard to release your faith, I struggle with it every day. It does get more comfortable every day. It does not mean that you don’t look for signs look for blessings every day that gives you clarity along life’s path.

At this moment, I am having issues allowing God to work in my life. I run scenario one after another in my head. This is not trusting God to reveal to me the answer to this worry. What I am praying for is clarity in God’s good time. If I’m ever going to have peace in my life no matter how much it hurts right now. I have to let go in faith.

Stopped working on this and boom I started stressing over the issue I was just speaking about. Faith can be hard to follow when all our lives we’ve imposed our own will over our life. If your life is out of balance and in a mess, there is a reason. Right there with you. So it stands to reason that if I want real change, I have to be willing to change. So faith I am standing firm!

If God’s promises are real, and they are! On the other side of this is happiness that will far and away be greater than the despair I feel. I miss someone very much, but I have to let God work through both our lives to restore them. Then and only then will destiny reveal itself.

If you struggle today with faith, then let’s make a pack for today. God, we release our loyalty to you, so that you can do the right work in our lives!

Stay strong friends!!!

faith, god, no fear

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