Stay Connected When all is Well

Staying connected to God when everything is okay. We all have times where everything is just okay. No real crisis is going on; life is just running along with little distractions. During this period, it’s easy to disconnect from God a little. Skip a prayer here, forget to be grateful and make excuses well everything is okay.

The reason this article came to pass is I found myself in a place of just okay. Nothing stressful, no catastrophes, all is well. I noticed some disconnect from God. Silence came over my soul, and I began to feel alone. It was at that moment I understood that God is an everyday commitment from me.meditate,spiritual, connected

Keeping in faith with God is an everyday pursuit well worth I might add. Even in good times or idle times that are rocking along okay. We must keep connected to God through prayer. Going to God for our problems is one thing but going to God with a grateful heart when all is well. Now that’s a relationship.

For me, it was easy to recognize because I began to feel alone in my heart. Not alone in a physical sense but a spiritual feeling. Slowed down my head and told myself “wait a minute, you’re not staying connected to God.” Recommitted me to stay on course.

My quick point here is staying with God first place in your heart. Even when he has cleared the path for you and all is well. Stay connected in that relationship, it might be quiet for a moment, but God hears. He may just be giving you rest for your obedience in trusting him.

Get connected to your spiritual walk and life will open up in ways you never imagined. I am living proof, doing so every day!

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