To Big for Your Britches

Remembering to stay connected to God when things do go your way. To keep your blessings moving forward, you can’t stop going to God and expect everything to remain in place. A mistake I made that slowed my progress, so I have had to hit my knees and let God know I have not forgotten myself.

My grandmother called this “being too big for your britches.”

When blessings come, old habits can creep back into our lives. Understanding this will make your walk, your path much smoother. For me, I even was called out by a friend that my language offended a dear person to me. A person whom I would never intentionally want to hurt with a potty mouth. Old habits die hard.

faith, Jesus, God

Stay Humble

Learning from this was tough medicine to swallow. So begins my repentance to God. You should as well if you’ve strayed from the path. Stay on the road with God. A full-time, not pick and choose time process. Today I feel more back in tune with the Lord. My heart is more at peace.

I want the promises that the Bible says are mine. When I began this journey, it was about not losing anymore. That there had to be a better way to live than the trajectory my life was advancing. Terrible place, lost relationships, financial problems, and despair. All of a sudden God blesses me in significant ways, and I take my eye off the ball and get hit right in the head with a fastball.

With a sincere heart and prayer. Will pass and learn what not to do embedded deep in my heart. If you’ve suffered from this because you to went off the beaten path, God will happily accept you back in his good grace. Do what I’ve done, get on your knees, and get back in God’s good grace. Never allow yourself not to be humble.


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