Life Changes can be a Twirl & Hurl Ride

Successful people will tell you that one thing that sets them apart is they’re willing to take one more step than you. Meaning you must be ready to move through the marathon wall and not give up. Giving up is a habit that we can break!

The other difference is people confuse activity with productivity. Don’t just merely be busy be productive in every area of your life.

Life can be a twirl & hurl ride. Up and down repeatedly. Are you ready to put down the puke bag and live a life without tummy medicine? Of course, you are and so am I. Together we can walk a new path, set a new trajectory for our lives.

Carnival, Life, Hope

Faith that you will succeed in all aspects of your life takes commitment. What you’re reading is an all-encompassing view of success. The relationship, Spiritual, Career, Family, and most importantly for you. Not a conceded look but you have the right to be successful for yourself.

Without an inner peace that life is a joy, it really won’t matter the rest. Finding a personal success in our lives is something to strive for. With it, you’re unstoppable!

Finding our way for some is an emotional roller coaster that gives a whole new meaning to “twirl and hurls.” Keeping our faith in all aspects of our lives that all is well, trusting in the positive and not the negative. Struggling through can be overwhelming. Don’t walk alone anymore. God is here you no longer have to be alone.

One thing that really stands out to me is without success in all aspects of our lives; then something is always missing. Success is not money if you believe that welcome to chasing your tail. Life balance in all areas is a real success. It’s not the measure of your wallet!

Seeing so many successful programs available that are only about business success. Nothing is really touching on the fact that if you don’t have success in your personal relationships, spiritual growth, personal growth, then any progress you might have outside of these areas will be fleeting at best.

 “Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.”—Joyce Brothers

What steps are needed to take to achieve success?

  1. Patience is most certainly required to achieve success in any part of life. Some things will come quickly and some slow. Getting frustrated will only delay progress. Remember imposing you will interrupt what God’s plan is for you.
  2. Do the work necessary to move life forward as best you can. Some days that may be small steps other giant steps. Moving forward, big or small is all good.
  3. Never let setbacks end the process. See them for what they are delays only. A dear friend in the Church explained it to me this way. Perhaps the delay is driven by God working out other situations so that your progress can continue. That if you had just hung in a bit more, the train would start moving again.
  4. Make time for growth. Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to do everything at one time. I find myself guilty of this. Trying to shove too much into a short period. Mark off time in your calendar to focus on one thing. Whether it’s for a few minutes or a couple of hours, be present at that moment!
  5. Open your heart to new ideas that perhaps not being familiar with have shunned away. Learning new ideas, techniques, and knowledge can move your life along in ways never dreamt of.

Have a master plan!

“Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment, and to either of these ends, there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.” — Thomas A. Edison

Sit down and identify how you intend to get from point A to point B. If you don’t have a clear plan spinning your wheels will be commonplace. Put on paper what you want to achieve, how you intend to get there and begin. You can revise your plan as your life evolves.

Once the process has begun updating progress and changes daily will help move along the process.

One thing that really helps me. Set reminders in your phone to remind you to stay on course.


  • Meditate with an open heart and mind.
  • Use affirmations to remind you that things are going to be okay.
  • Remind yourself everyday changes you desire to make in your life.

If you have never been to where you’re going in your life. Then a roadmap is a good idea. Goals, a plan, and progress reports will all help you get there. If you don’t plot a course, you will merely sail around in circles. The primary key to unlocking the power of your goals is visioned it like its already to you. You have already that which you desire to achieve.

Being grateful that you already have achieved the goal even though it has not manifested yet. It’s all just a matter of time. Believe with all that is you, that you have what you desire.

Doing this in every aspect of life. Health, Spiritual, Relationship, Business, or whatever you deem a worthy venture for yourself. Have a plan! If you have others in this process, bring them on board as part of your process. Mentors that uplift and challenge your status quo!

Absolute Commitment!

When it’s time to change people often bail when the going gets tough. The mind tricks us into believing it’s too hard or painful. The enemy is going to crack down hard to keep you in misery. Don’t be fooled into stopping progress. Don’t be tricked into mediocrity.

This takes practice, and that’s okay. Learning to want something with all your heart is easier said than done. Doubt, fear, and old paradigms can stifle progress. Leaning to have unwavering faith in the absence of results is something learned.

Prayer, meditation, visioning, affirmations, all must become a part of daily life experience. It’s not hard; it just takes commitment.

Anytime we change our lives for the better; often all hell breaks loose in our head. Doubt, fear, and worry. It’s easy to quit or freak out to the point we fail. Even when you come to the brink of disaster if you can stay in faith, believe even when you see nothing to think for.

Take a step right now. Don’t delay, get started this very moment. Take one action forward. This is how the journey begins, one phase at a time! You got this!

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