Desire in your Life


“The starting point of all achievement is desire.” Napoleon Hill

The sad thing about desire very few have it or understand it’s real meaning. Most people say that have a desire to do this or that, but in reality, they’re not willing to dig in to achieve it. That’s the real difference between hope and wish. You can wish to do something those with desire actually do it!

self help, success, freedom

Desire is a passion you must fill your being with. It’s not something you learn; it’s something you have. If you don’t feel it in your soul then maybe you need to rethink what it is you’re doing.


  • Should fill your soul
  • Should get you up in the morning
  • Should be unwavering
  • Should be without fear
  • Should drive your every waking moment

What do you desire?

  • Peace & Contentment
  • Security
  • Financial Success
  • Relationship Success
  • Family Success

Then what are you doing? If you aren’t up every day with a sense of desire to achieve life on your terms, then really what are you doing? Lots to think about is it not?

Do not confuse desire with a wish. “I want success” is a wish, a passion drives you to do something about it.

This book will touch a lot on it takes work to achieve anything you truly want. It does just not come to you, the success that is. Anyone married for over a decade will tell you a good marriage takes work.

We will use this statement throughout the book:

If money and time are not the roadblocks in our way, what do you want?

To find our genuine desire, you must have a passion for what it is you want to do. So if no roadblocks existed, what you would be doing in your life?


What I would like for you to do is to do a few things to define what you would like to be successful at and then we will find our desire. We’re going to find one thing that we can do NOW to find success in one part or all of our life. Change is eminent in this exercise!

  1. Find a place where you can feel inspired. Park, pond, river, mountain, backyard, wherever you find peace and solitude. Clear out your head and identify what you would like to do. What will bring success to you?
  2. Have a notepad and pen. Write your thoughts out. Again don’t sabotage it with I will “never be able to afford this,” “I am not smart enough,” blah, blah, blah…
  3. Take as much time as you need. Don’t procrastinate, if you need a day to work this out take it but don’t get off task!!! Now go.

Welcome back!

For most of us, this is a hard task. We’re so used to dismissing dreams it’s hard to imagine achieving one. So lovely job completing this task!

So you have your WHAT, that thing that defines success for you. This is the one thing where you should begin to feel desire.

The dictionary defines desire as
Along for, hope for. Noun

You should feel this in your very core.

Okay, so we have a lot more to cover. Most of you are saying now what?

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