Does Your Life seem like a Shattered Glass?

Does your life seem shattered like a piece of glass? So many broken pieces it just seems hopeless to even try and clean it up.

Good news is that our shattered lives can be cleaned up just like a shattered piece of glass. Once you begin to clean up the glass (your life) keep in mind that glass is hard to clean up. Sometimes you will step on a sliver that was left behind.

self help, happy, joy

You pick up the sliver and throw it away. It may have cut your foot, felt like a setback. It too is temporary. The good news is the clean up is complete. It may have taken time to clean up the mess, but finally, it gets done.

So what can help with the clean up:

  • Acceptance that the glass is broken and YOU are going to be okay!
  • Let God know you’re ready to see what he has in store for you going forward.
  • Organize your day to allow for meditation, positive thought.
  • Begin to fill your mind with positive thoughts, read good books, watch real videos.
  • Yoga is a fantastic way to connect with yourself. Find a fun Yoga class. If you cannot afford a Yoga class, many hospitals, YWCA or community centers offer free or low fee classes.
  • Keep active. Walk, workout, visit the park, take your pets out, keep busy as much as possible. Activity keeps your mind somewhere else besides in the past. Dwelling on the broken glass just prolongs positive progress.

If you need to seek professional help, then don’t walk run towards the help you need. 

  • Local MHMR
  • Local Hospital
  • Pastoral Counseling Centers
  • Crisis Hotlines 1-800-273-8255
  • Online Counseling

Help is available no matter what your ability to pay.

It’s within grasp, a bright new life, NO more broken glass!

happy, new life, life

If you feel hopeless, life has shattered like glass just know. The glass can be cleaned up, and the New glass is better, more transparent, and beautiful to look through. So shall your life be it just takes you to make the first step?

I have walked in your shoes and continue to walk the path towards a new life. It’s within reach even when you don’t see a way out. Just over the hill is the life you dream of, hope, happy, fun, and the loving relationships we all deserve.

It’s your time, it’s our time, let’s get our new lives started. What do you say?

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