The environment is a Stewardship of Mankind

“Mankind has probably done more damage to the Earth in the 20th century than in all of previous human history.”–Jacques Cousteau 
If you want to be a blessing on this earth. Pick up a pound of trash today! Does not seem like much but, it’s a pound of less waste impacting our environment. Imagine if thousands of people did this every day.

global warming, environment, change

Part of our Life Research Project talks about being a blessing. Getting outside yourself. What could you do in your area of the world to simply pick up a pound of trash? Taking care of God’s earth is a stewardship we all have. Of course, we don’t enjoy to pick up dumpster, but if WE don’t who will?

Stop walking by trash and reach down and pick it up if safe to-do. Be a blessing to our environment. When you know that what you’re doing is the best you can do, miracles will happen for you in so many ways.

Feeling good about you! Has measurable gifts for your life. When you make life not about you, you, you, find time to be a blessing to the world around you. Your heart will change, your life will fill with peace and joy. Try it!!!

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