Take Constant and Immediate Action do the Work

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.”–Bradley Whitford

What a powerful statement. We indeed have to move, take action, get going, run Forest run, and you will find God moving your life in ways never dreamt.

A critical piece of this puzzle stay in faith and don’t impose your will over anything. You can do the work God has put in your heart. We achieve that knowledge in prayer and meditation. Learn to quiet your mind so that you’re able to receive what God is placing in your heart to do.

meditate, prayer, hope

When times get challenging, and you don’t feel God is communicating with you. Stay in faith. Keep in mind changes ahead of you may have components that have to play out first before you can receive the help you need. So don’t be discouraged when you run up on delays. It’s merely the Universe moving people, places or things around that are necessary.

Many of us would be discouraged and give up. We can’t foretell our future, you must yield to optimism that although you can’t see the construction ahead it is indeed happening and with patience, you will soon see. All will be well and off you go!

The key to success in any endeavor is you must do the work before you. No matter what happens if you’re not doing the work, nothing will move. You can say okay God I want to make One Million Dollars this year, sit down, order a pizza and wait. Sorry! Not going to happen.

You have to get off your butt and move. Whatever, you set out in this life to achieve, you will have to work for it. Nothing comes easy that you really want and nothing comes free. No magic bullet, other than work, faith, patience, and a positive attitude that you will achieve. Only with this steadfast commitment will you win.

No matter what gets thrown at you don’t quit. Just when you left because the circumstance gets in physical appearance hopeless, that is about the time God will provide what you need if you don’t give up. The enemy will tell you it’s useless and you cannot finish this out. Don’t for one minute believe it if you genuinely want to finish this quest.

On the other side of your pain, despair, and hopeless thoughts, your SUCCESS!

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”–Dwayne Johnson

Keep your eye focused on what you can do today. Don’t worry about tomorrow or what’s behind you. Train yourself to be present at the moment and take care of today. Do this and success in many forms is yours!

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