Site icon Robert Bruton | Flight Risk Studios llc

Lesson Learned

This past week I put myself through a little heartbreak. You ever feel when you want something so much you might be willing to try just about anything. Well, at least what is in reason, I didn’t go that far over the side.

Suffice to say what I thought was something amazing turned out to be garbage. Someone is praying on others. It’s sad to know people are out their that can do such things. Live and learn.

The upside to this is awareness and the fact that I did reach out in prayer asking for guidance. During this ordeal, I kept asking God for guidance so that I would not make a mistake. That part felt good. I know I am ambiguous about what it is, let’s say the what is not as important as the lesson learned.

Those of you that read my work on a regular basis know that my stories are the result of my walk in faith. My stories based on the application of faith and the result.

One area that I do think I did not pay as close of attention to is trusting God to provide. Letting what I want coming in God’s good time not my own. Recognizing this did show me that my decision, my will, getting in the middle of things has the potential for bad results.

Stay in Faith

Good news is that I don’t feel bad, I feel educated. Lessons can take many forms, so don’t beat yourself up. We can take the wrong path by choice or disguised as a good choice. Recognizing it then saying “thank God I caught this not before it gets any further.” Having the experience may stink, but recognizing it for what it was is the real lesson.

For me, if I walk in faith knowing that God will provide for me works out beyond my wildest dreams. Some of the life challenges I face are easier to deal with and get resolved. As long as I stay in faith, it will. Believe with faith, even when you have no reason to have an ounce of faith, I promise you it gets better.

My joy in life today comes from the fact that I can live in peace with myself. I have a higher power than myself helping to guide my life and decisions. In that are happiness and peace. Stay in faith no matter what is in front of you. Realize that the enemy wants you to stay down. Therefore, you will be hit, hit hard with doubt. Never lose sight of the result, that path may take a four-wheel drive tank to get down with many challenges. God kept me from harm before any real harm could occur. For that, I am grateful!

As always I would love to hear from you:


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