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Idle Time Sucks, Let’s Change That

Idle time sucks. Your head gets filled with garbage of the past and anything else the enemy can throw up to remind you of darker times. Thus keeping you in the darker reaches of your life. Hence idle time sucks. I want to share a couple of things I am doing to find peace during idle time.

Today for me is one of those days. I had good morning closing two new clients, so that had me bouncing on cloud nine. Always great to move forward in business.

Then the day grinds down to a halt. My head begins to run amuck. Wow, let’s relive every mistake I’ve made in my life. Reruns of my life seem to be on a projector that just loops and loops.

So, to get me out of my head. I said down with my laptop and started typing. At least I recognize what’s going on with my noodle. Question, why can’t we be okay during quiet times? So many of us struggle with being okay with being alone in our mind.

Yes, I have confessed my past that I am not proud of to God. When I’m busy everything rocks along, and I am to busy not to be at peace. Sometimes though it would be nice to be quiet, be in the moment but be okay. I am the problem in this scenario. We can choose to be happy or sad, but it must be a choice.

Today is also the first birthday I have spent in many years alone. Or at least without my wife. So, it’s been a good day for many reasons and a sad one. Reliving everything I have done, should have done, argh! No, not self-pity moment, but one of realization. Everything going on today is a choice. Recognizing that is the real achievement in my life.

Every day we all must make choices to be happy or have a bad day. The difficulty lies in your head. Living in your head causes all kinds of issues. Choosing to live in your heart, in your soul where God is now that’s a choice. A little easier said than done, but entirely within grasp.

What I do every day now is take moments to embrace God, search my heart for peace. I do this on my morning prayer walk at work. I walk outside for a time and talk to God. Visualize me happy, prosperous and at peace. Peace began to last longer and longer in my days. I don’t choose to recognize mediocrity in myself anymore.

Choose to walk in faith as I do every day. It truly helps, and you will begin to find peace in your head. Idle time will be something you look forward to not dreading. I pray you find the peace we all have from God. Have a blessed idle time day!

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