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Conflict in your Head Getting Rid of It

“Conflict cannot survive without your participation.”–Wayne Dyer

What I loved about Wayne Dyer is his ability to evolve his spiritual awareness. He was open to receive the grace of the universe, God.

The quote rings so true for me. Conflict in my head is what slows me down. Not taking the time to resolve my thoughts to accept what is and faith for what will be.

Staying in faith that God will work through my life if I just let him. I’m terrible about hanging onto the past. Mistakes that we make are not life sentences of internal pain. This exists when we participate in that conflict.

Letting go of it is not easy for some. We get okay with pain, wallow in our own self-loathing. Begging the question, how do we stop this behavior?

Learning to forgive yourself is where I started. Throughout my life, I have chosen unwisely many times. Costing me relationships, especially with family. How you can resolve yourself is to not do the old behavior. Live life as a better you!

Don’t accept the status quo!   

Today I don’t live as I did in the past. After enough loss in my life, what the hell us could I do? So you dive in and learn to live a life that YOU can be proud of. A secure measuring stick is to ask yourself when you’re doing something “would grandma approve?” When you are doing anything, we all know right from wrong!

This cliche when you have arrived at this place in your mind; “Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired.” Crying, depressed, or ready to give up? DO NOT!

Change can hurt, change can take time. On the other side of change is the life God promises you will have. It’s not just going to happen this moment we all have to do the work. It’s so worth it!

Hurt comes in many forms. So this article applies if you’ve suffered loss from divorce, death, betrayal, or any number of things that were out of your control.

The pain you are going through is not as significant as how you deal with it. Learning to deal with our grief healthily takes work. It’s worth the time and effort necessary to change old paradigms. The promise of life, happiness, and joy exist.

I can hear you screaming, Okay, how:

  1. Throw everything in your head up to God. Pray and confess everything negative in your life. Let him know you are ready for a change.
  2. Breathe. Take time every day to just stop and breathe. Don’t say this is stupid until you actually try. I thought to breathe whatever. Just take a minute or two only and breathe.
  3. Learn to meditate. It’s super easy!
  4. Get toxic people out of your life. Don’t listen to someone’s poisonous bile. You control the person you are, not someone else.
  5. Patience. Nothing worth having comes overnight. Go at your pace, JUST GO. This is not a contest. Do things every day that help moves your life forward. Some days big stips, somedays small steps. Forward motion is always a good thing.

Okay, so five things to get you started. Now it’s your turn. GET STARTED!

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