Take Your Life Back

How can life continually kick you in the gut, yet you still get up and fight?

How can life jerk the rug right out from under you, and yet you still get up and fight?

How can nothing seem to go right most of the time, and you still get up and fight?

How can you feel abandoned by God and still get up and fight?

Are you the person that fights?

People quit because they do not have a fight left in them, so THEY think! Emotionally we are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for.

“Self-acknowledgment boosts your emotional and spiritual immunity, giving you the strength, you need to release the past and rise above fear, doubt, or resignation.”—Debbie Ford

Two years ago, I took life head-on. With no emotional place to go but up, it was time to take the hits, take the pain, take the sorrow, and say NO more.

When you want to change your life, achieve more than you ever have. You need to be ready to take whatever life can throw at you, breakthrough prepared for more. When I speak of achievement, this is not about work success, this is YOU success.

Nothing in this life will come to you if you are not prepared. Emotionally prepared to never allow life to overtake your self-worth.

No more pity parties, “I can’t take it, it is too hard!” Horsefeathers!

Let me give you a little secret I have learned along the way. When you begin to awaken the you that you want to be. The person that makes all your dreams come true. You also awaken the enemy who says, “Oh NO, you don’t, I had you in the pits of hell on earth and that is where you stay.” So, the battle begins!

Life, hope, happy

You will be tested; the enemy will fill your head with garbage. Keep you busy chasing your own tale. Kicking your own ass. This is when YOU SAY, “Oh Hell. No, this is my time.”

This will help you strengthen yourself:

  1. Pray. Find times every day to share your innermost thoughts with God. The good, the bad and the ugly. Get it out. All we ask for is wisdom to resolve!
  2. Meditation. Daily get yourself in a routine of reflection. This is where we go to see ourselves in that place of joy, happiness, and peace.
  3. Journal your day. Learn the difference between activity and productivity. Success comes about when productivity dominates our days. Set specific times to achieve tasks every day that lead to a tangible result. Set up your day hour-to-hour. At first, this will be a pain in the butt. Over time it becomes second nature.
  4. Breathe. As much as needed, take a moment to breathe. Slow yourself down when your head begins to muddle up with garbage. Box breathing is a beautiful way to calm down. Easy to do: Take a couple cleansing breaths in through the nose out through the mouth. Then on a slow 4 count breath in and hold 4, breathe out on a 4 count, begin the same rhythm again. Do this a couple of times; if relaxed your good. If not a couple more times.
  5. Remember a calm mind, is productive, creative, and happy. This is where you will draw your greatest strength.

Do not give up when things get tough. Misery loves company. Do not let the enemy put in your head you can not change, YES you can!

The reason I know change is possible:

  • Great athletes train, train, and train more. You do not pick up a golf club walk onto a tee box with Tiger Woods and expect to win a game. You do not get on a pair of skis and stand in a start house with Lindsey Vaughn and expect to win a gold medal.

Why you say, why can you not beat them? Simple! Practice they have trained themselves for years to compete at the level of achievement each has attained. You must train, train and train more to win—the same thing with your mind that has decades of garbage stuffed in your mind.

People can change because you do get better when you practice. When you get off your ass and try. Try until you think one more step is impossible and take action.

Nay Sayers can kiss my ass. Let this become your mantra!

Just because lazy asses tell you something is impossible. You do not have the right stuff. Remind them to sit on their ass and hold your beer. Get it done!

I wish I had a shortcut to share. Other than your resolve must be steadfast. When enough-is-enough, you will change. I am!

Covid-19 Social Distance Things to Do

Habakkuk 2:2 (ERV)

God Answers Habakkuk

2 The Lord answered me, “Write down what I show you. Write it clearly on a sign so that the message will be easy to read.

It’s incredible to me how much self-improvement information has its roots from the Bible. When reading Habakkuk 2:2, not only is God saying right down what you want. He is also speaking to create a Vision Board as well. Pretty cool!

life, hope, covid-19

As we all struggle to find our way of dealing with Covid-19. Now would be a great time as we all social distance to work on ourselves. Your mantra, “make me better.”

Here are some simple questions to get you started:

  1. If money, time, and resources were not the problem. What would I do with my life?
  2. Am I doing what I want to do in a career or what I must do? How could I change that?
  3. How could I bring a new me to all my relationships?
  4. Am I praying every day?
  5. Do I meditate every day?
  6. Am I taking care of my body, health?
  7. Am I living in faith?
  8. What kind-act could I reasonably do every day?
  9. Am I telling everyone in my life, “I love you” every day?
  10. Am I reading a book or doing something to educate myself daily?

Now is a great time to ponder our lives and begin to formulate a plan. Write down the answer to these questions or whatever comes to mind. In other words, turn off the TV stop binge-watching Game of Thrones and do something for you.

If you’re in a relationship, take time as a couple to do the same thing. What an excellent time to reconnect more deeply.

Instead of worrying about the world, take a moment to bring a better you back to the world. We all know that through the unlikely events we now face. At some point in time, we will move on. As Mathew McConaughey said in a video, “we’re all sitting at a red light that will soon turn green again.”

Remaining vigilant in this time, of course. However, while we sit around thinking of things-to-do. Let’s take some time for ourselves.

My challenge to you!

Go get a notebook, paper, whatever you can find. Begin to think of beautiful ways you can bring a better you back to the world. When we can all say, “thank God this is over.”

Share your changes in the comment section!

Visit Robert Bruton’s Author Page on Amazon

Single Mom Living My Best Life

My New Book just published today. Enjoy the Introduction, and you have a link at the bottom of the page to visit my Author Page available at Amazon. Single Mom’s its your time to shine! 

Even Mary, the Mother of Jesus, had Mom struggles!

Mary: “Jesus, what are you doing, son?”

Jesus: “I am taking a bath like you said, mom.”

Mary: “How many times have I told you boy stop walking on that water. How are you ever going to get clean if you keep walking on that water?” “Sit down and take your bath!”

See ladies, even Jesus Mom had her parenting troubles. 

A Guide for Extraordinary Change

single mothers, mom, parenting


‘When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.'”—Erma Bombeck

Well, let’s start with the obvious. I’m not a single Mom, and why should you listen to this dude?

How about answering a couple of questions first?

  1. What if you could learn self-confidence enough to crush all your goals?
  2. What if you could learn to earn more money than you ever have?

No, we’re not selling pipedreams!

I felt compelled to share my life experience, knowledge of business, my Christian faith for single moms that might be struggling to make ends-meat.

What I am suggesting to you is that if you lack confidence, don’t believe you can go any further than where you are right now. You could not be more wrong.

This book will teach you confidence building through faith.  How to overcome negative mindsets. Most importantly, how to not only sell how valuable you are but potentially find a career in sales. Perhaps even further in whatever endeavor YOU choose! How about an I want a job, not a have-to-have mundane job?

Sales skills can help you advance any job. When you can ethically build value in products or services, you offer. You will begin to see your career move like the wind. I will teach you to do this in a fun and engaging way.

Throughout the book, exercises, notes, and learning will occur. Get a notebook to have ready to do some fun work.

Taking our life and turning it on its axis, shaking it up, and on the other side is your joy, peace, and smile!

Many times, over the years, I have heard Pastors say. Bring everything to the Lord. Nothing is too big or small. Joel Osteen once said if God can bring into existence the universe. Don’t you imagine he can bring into reality your dreams?

TD Jakes, who makes me laugh wonderfully. Talks about bringing wimpy prayers to God. He, too, uses the analogy God flung the universe into existence, and all you’re going to ask him for is, “Oh Lord, please, I need to pay my rent.” He, in a bold voice, says stop asking God to pay your rent but ask God for the means and way to have a mortgage.

With work and faith together in this book, we can move mountains.

Get all the stereotypical sales guy images out of your head, open your heart, and let’s learn! When I speak about sales skills if you can use your power of persuasion in the betterment of your life. Wow, watch what you can do!

Single moms of which by the way I was raised by one. Perhaps I have some insight given the struggles my mother endured.

When I was three years old, my father took me, my little sister and Mother to my maternal grandparents’ home. Dropped us off to never return. I can remember my mother from time-to-time crying uncontrollably.

Fast forward my life to times I remember how hard it was on my Mom. One morning I remember when I was seven, maybe eight years old. My mother was in the bathroom, and I heard a crash and a break in the bathroom sink.

My mother had saved her money to by some sort of face cream, something just for her. It dropped and apparently broke in the sink to the point of being ruined. I remember hearing her crying so hard, saying, “I never ask for anything why?” “I saved for months to get this, oh God.”

It was haunting to me. I knew my mother’s heart was torn for something she had struggled so hard to get.

Over the years, my mother gave up her life for my sister and me. She never really dated because my sister and I had terrible times with she would leave us. We had abandonment issues so severe that my mother simply stopped trying to have her own life.

She also worked her ass off, never in my life can I remember that my mother took a sick day from work. Two times in her life, she was hospitalized for cysts in her breasts. Doctors wanted to do a biopsy. Thank God she was always okay.

My mother made clothes, and other personal items work well beyond what they should. Just so, my sister and I could have new things. Or just food on the table.

She made sure we got to ski competitively. That I had new skis each season. Paid for ski trips to races. As a child, you don’t realize what this is assuredly costing our family.

Now that my mother is in her eighties, I can reflect on what she did for me in my life. The sacrifice (although she would never say that) she made for me. I don’t think any of us would change our life.

For me, maybe at this moment do I now realize why this book and why you.

If I could bestow any bit of wisdom upon you. My mother in her day did not have the same access to the internet, cell phones, information as you do today. Her choice was to, at any cost, make sure my sister and I were cared for. She did that with grace.

Some of you will say well, that’s what a Mother is supposed to do. That be the case, my mother passed this test with grace. Today, however, I believe if you’re a single Mom, you might have an opportunity to not only be the Mom you want to be but to be the individual you dream of being. I tell ladies you can have both!

You have before you a world in which you have choices beyond just taking care of your children. You can also have a life with not only your children but one in which you can have an experience to the point that you say to God at the end of your days. “Thanks, that was a hell of a ride!”

Limits are only set by you. There is no stone tablet, no law, nothing to prevent you from achieving all that life has to offer.

My mother was a voracious reader all her life. Now sitting here writing this. It occurs to me that maybe, therefore, I wanted to write as my career!

Since I cannot change the trajectory of my Mother loving choices. Maybe, just maybe, I can share with you enough to help shape the trajectory of your life. I can share useful information, but this is a path you must walk.

You don’t know how the course of our life and the lives around us will shape us. I believe that I understand better why I am an author today than ever before.

Click Here to Visit My Page Author Page

Landlocked for Now

Landlocked in West Texas putting our expedition together. We have some good news that our friends in Honduras have agreed to host us for a short time. We’re going to trek into the jungle and see if we can’t capture some film of Panthers.

Exciting news. This part of our journey will be a massive leap out of my comfort zone. I have to overcome fears, like, bugs, snakes, and other creepy crawlies. Yes, I scream like a girl when confronted with creepy crawlies.

Today is also the first day of my diet. Need to trim off a few pounds and get into real shape. I would not be able to trek through a jungle this out of the way. So it’s time! Being here in the desert will allow me to train in pretty hot conditions. Also going to make some time to trek through the desert to confront some of my fears.

We’re working on what we could study here in the desert before we head out to the mountains in Colorado. Thinking we may do a little work with Roadrunners. The other morning I opened my door in my RV and right there next to my truck was a Roadrunner. That has to be a sign, right?

roadrunner, bird, birding

Currently, I’m talking with a sailing instructor in Seatle that seems very good. He has circumnavigated the world several times. Part of what I need to learn is open water sailing. So I have been searching for the right teacher for a couple of months. I love Seatle to it will be fun if this works out.

This amazing photo below was taken by Oliver Sjöström 

Oliver is an amazing photographer please check out his work: https://ollivves.com/

open water, sailing, boat

That’s the update for our expedition documentary. The title of our documentary is still up in the air. We have a ways to go and may go through several working titles. We started the Life Research Project, so that is a possibility.

Comments, Questions or Suggestions:



What Happens if I Get Up at 4AM?

Now we must retrain ourselves. Mind, Body & Soul.

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion,”—Muhammed Ali

Years and years of garbage, we’ve fed our brains, and for many of us our bodies. Let’s clean up both. We can all do better in mind, body, and spirit.

Schedule time for mind, body, and soul. Let’s learn how:

  1. Let’s start with our body. Without stamina, you will peter out before you finish a full day. 4:00 AM lets begin with cardio. Give yourself one hour to take care of your body. Walk, ride a bike, treadmill, jumping jacks, just do it.
  2. 5:00 AM lets feed our body. Nourish the body temple with foods that truly feed your body. While we’re eating, listen to motivation, listen to something that fills your mind with knowledge. Find a Podcast, listen to a video, read while in the kitchen. Fill the mind and body with energy food.
  3. 6:00 AM, it’s time to feed the soul. Meditate, visualize, get on your knees and find God. Find your spiritual self. You have not because you ask not. Up your ask and God will up his give.

Now imagine where you will be Mind, Body, and soul after one year 365 hours focused on each of the three purposes to create the world-class you.

prayer, hope, love

You can lay in bed, believing the bullshit story you’ve sold yourself most of your life. This is too hard; I can’t do it. Keep that opinion and your right. This is your wake-up call. Set the damn clock and take your life back, the enemy will convince you that you’re nothing, I’ve tried everything, If you bloody tried everything you would be living the life you want, not the bullshit life you accept.

Learn with me to manage your mind. Getting up at 4:00 AM, really you can’t get up that early, who the hell put that in your head, YOU. Get up.

The rest of the day focus your time with actionable tasks that produce a result. If working on anything that does not create a measurable outcome is a waste of time. Social media being your number one waste of time. Unless engagement with customers, fans, are the subject of your social media time. You’re wasting valuable time.

Let’s take a social media look. If your accounts are ways you engage customers or fans, then set daily times for this activity.

When you get to work, have a day filled with times that you perform set tasks. Doing the best, you can to stay on task during the day. If you get distracted, come back to where you left off.

What I use to track my day (this is no endorsement, it’s just what I choose to use). Two apps I have on my phone is Google® Tasks and Google® Calendar. The reason I use them is they’re free, and they work in unison. They also alert me when it’s time to change and move on. It also allows me to set up recurring activities to plan. Saves time.

Whatever calendar and task manager you choose to use. Use it. Even schedule downtime, take breaks to recharge.

If you track your day, focus time for activities and you don’t allow distractions for that time. If you don’t find twenty hours in your week that you gain. Something is wrong. When we honestly track our time, hold ourselves strictly accountable for time. You will find you have time in your day to do more!

Get your ass up or stay where you are. It’s your choice. Only you can begin this.

Comments or Questions: