Book Review Disconnected Kids

My youngest son is Autistic; this book has helped his mother and me positively.

little boy in wheat field

“Disconnected Kids: The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Disorders” by Dr. Robert Melillo is a comprehensive guide to understanding and treating neurobehavioral disorders in children.

Dr. Melillo is a chiropractic neurologist and specialist in functional neurology. He has developed a program called Brain Balance, which focuses on correcting imbalances in the brain that can cause behavioral and learning difficulties. The program is based on the principle of neuroplasticity, which means that the brain can change and adapt in response to stimuli.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the concept of brain balance and explains how it can affect behavior and learning in children. Dr. Melillo describes how the brain comprises two hemispheres responsible for different functions and how imbalances between the hemispheres can lead to various problems. He also discusses the cerebellum’s role, which coordinates movement and balance, and how issues in this area can affect behavior and learning.

The second part of the book outlines the Brain Balance program. Dr. Melillo explains how the program works and what it entails. The program involves a combination of physical exercises, sensory stimulation, and cognitive training designed to stimulate the brain and promote balance between the hemispheres. The activities are tailored to each child’s needs and designed to be fun and engaging.

The third part of the book provides practical advice for parents and caregivers. Dr. Melillo offers tips on creating a brain-healthy environment for children and supporting them through the Brain Balance program. He also discusses diet and nutrition and how certain foods affect brain function.

Throughout the book, Dr. Melillo provides real-life examples of children who have benefited from the Brain Balance program. He also includes case studies and testimonials from parents who have seen improvements in their children’s behavior and learning after participating in the program.

Overall, “Disconnected Kids” is a valuable resource for parents, caregivers, and professionals who work with children with neurobehavioral disorders. Dr. Melillo’s approach is based on solid scientific research and is designed to address the root causes of these disorders rather than just treating symptoms. The program he has developed is comprehensive and holistic, addressing the physical, sensory, and cognitive aspects of brain function. The book is well-written, easy to understand, and includes practical advice and tips that can be applied in everyday life.

Part One: Understanding Brain Balance In the book’s first section, Dr. Melillo explains how the brain is organized and functions. He discusses the roles of the brain and cerebellum hemispheres and how imbalances between these areas can lead to behavioral and learning difficulties in children. He also explains the concept of neuroplasticity and how it can be harnessed to promote brain balance and improve outcomes for children with neurobehavioral disorders.

Part Two: The Brain Balance Program The book’s second section explains the Brain Balance program. Dr. Melillo outlines the program’s components, including physical exercises, sensory stimulation, and cognitive training. Next, he describes how these different activities work together to promote brain balance and improve behavior and learning outcomes for children. The exercises are presented in a clear and easy-to-follow manner and are designed to be fun and engaging for children.

Part Three: Supporting Your Child The book’s final section provides practical advice for parents and caregivers on supporting their children through the Brain Balance program. Dr. Melillo offers tips on creating a brain-healthy environment at home, including suggestions for diet and nutrition. He also guides working with schools and other professionals to ensure children receive the support they need to succeed. In addition, the book includes numerous case studies and testimonials from parents who have seen improvements in their children’s behavior and learning after participating in the program.

In addition to the book’s main sections, “Disconnected Kids” also includes appendices with additional resources and information. These include a glossary of terms, a list of recommended books and websites, and a summary of research studies on brain balance and neurobehavioral disorders.

Overall, “Disconnected Kids” is a comprehensive and accessible guide to understanding and treating neurobehavioral disorders in children. Dr. Melillo’s approach is based on a deep understanding of brain function and neuroplasticity. His program has been effective in improving outcomes for children with various conditions. The book is well-written, informative, and engaging and is an essential resource for anyone who works with or cares for children with neurobehavioral disorders.

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