Faith Moves Mountains

Waiting for you is your life. Let me explain. If, at this moment, you’re not completely happy with your life, let me give you the piece of the puzzle that is lacking.


Faith breaks open all the bondage of life that is holding you back. It’s that simple. We’ve talked about in previous articles that life is simple, WE put our head, ego, and fear in the equation to stifle growth.

I love the quote from Lisa Nichols, “you gotta know like you know like you know.” 

What this means is unwavering faith that everything will be okay! That what you need will come to pass. Training ourselves to not waiver when everything looks black. Nothing is definite except imminent doom. That dear friend is the enemy throwing his hardest punch to get you to quit. When on the other side of this fear is your life.

faith, prayer, meditation

Conquering fear of letting go and letting God was, for me, one of the hardest changes to make in my life. No, I am not 100% with this at all. However, when I waiver, my mind does come back and say, “Hey, wait a minute.” Catching myself before I thoroughly toss out and give up is less and less as time moves along.

Old paradigms can be tossed out with time and attention. New beliefs can arise. 

Here is the big kicker!

When you see absolutely no way, everything is dark, this is when you MUST hold strong in faith. The enemy will test your faith beyond what your mind conceives as no hope. This is when you dig in and let God know you don’t see a way, but you know in your heart he can make a way!

Times where I have just let God know he has me. I trust all will be well. Believe and do the work before me. You cannot just sit on your backside to do what is necessary to achieve that which you desire. God will come through when it’s time for him to go through, not a second sooner. Give God that faith, and he will move mountains for you!

Anyone that tells you “you can’t do that” is telling you they can’t do that. Think about this the only two people that know if you can or cannot. Is you and God. You show him the work and faith. He will come through. I was overwhelmed recently with an abundance of beautiful blessings. It actually scared me. So I took some time to realign my thoughts to trust in God.

I know I am ready to receive all that God has for me. It’s taken time to allow myself to have blind faith. When I do amazing things happen for me, and I look into the clouds where I believe God resides in the shadows looking out for me. Just my thing!

Changing your life requires faith and strength. We are all stronger than we believe we are. That is the first hurdle. You are stronger than you think you are by a long way. Marathon runners hit the wall in the last ten or so miles of a marathon. The wall is a figment of the imagination that you’re done, you’re injured when in fact you are not. Proven study after study. It’s all in your mind. Faith is the same principle. Bust through the wall, and you will finish.


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