What You Learn from Goals is the Real Blessing

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”–Zig Ziglar 

Achieving goals is awesome! When you learn from the journey, stay humble, and be grateful. You will gain more from your trip when you pay attention to the real blessings.


success, goals, life

You can’t see the Finish / You can see the START.


If you set goals for this New Year:

  1. Have you started?
  2. Have you organized your goals into actionable daily tasks to achieve your goal?

If the answer is NO. What the hell are you waiting for???

Get started right now, today!!! Make a plan so that day you have actionable tasks and do them. Don’t procrastinate. If you do make that a goal this year that we don’t put off or delay. Our new mantra: we improvise, we adapt, and we overcome daily (sorry stole an imaginary line from a Movie, I love the phrase though).

Get going now and let’s make this a wonderful New Year, God Bless!


Belief Work Faith

When it comes to life, this quote summed it up for me:

“Fight like you’re the third monkey trying to get on Noah’s ark.”

I thought this to be so profound. What the hell else do you have to lose? Too many times I hear people say it’s too hard I cannot do it, whatever the thing is they’re trying to do.

I can’t.

self help, prayer, spiritual

Get that out of your brain NOW! Going through this life, we must retrain our thoughts to believe. Forget about the HOW. How will come with belief, work, and faith?

Our new mantra: Belief – Work – Faith

What I mean by work is that we must get off our butts and be productive. Do NOT confuse activity with productivity. Job at training yourself, taking steps every day that are positive towards your outcome. Don’t sit on your ass and simply do nothing.

Success in life requires progress, work!

Work is not about a job; action is the activity required to move life forward.

My challenge to you right now:

Take one step forward, do some work to change your life trajectory right now.

Go you got this!

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