Is Adversity happening to you or FOR YOU

“You’re going to go through tough times – that’s life. But I say, ‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’ See the positive in adverse events.”–Joel Osteen

In our previous blog post, we talked about God being our coach. As you can see in this quote to paraphrase, “nothing happens to you, it happens for you.” That’s my point entirely.

What happens for you is coaching. We need to learn from adversity. Look at this as though you trained really hard one day, and now you’re so sore with pain it hurts. God, as your coach, is going to work you out to make you stronger. Good coaches push athletes to their limits. Same principal.

winning, happy, God

Why does God do this? If you’re going to run a Marathon and you cannot even make a mile, how can you expect to move forward with the race? You have to condition yourself, a coach will push you so that you can make the distance. It’s not God saying no, it’s God pushing you so he can say yes!

When I grasped this, my life truly changed. All the stress went away, and I was anxious to go to practice as it were.

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Being Your Best, How to Get Started NOW

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better, and your better is best.”–St Jerome

Say that five times really fast! Ha Ha!

When I found this quote, it really hit me. In our journies, we strive to be our best. Those with passion seem to never rest in the pursuit.

What we learn along the way is forward momentum keeps our vision in sight of our goal. Whether you take a baby step today and a giant step tomorrow, it doesn’t really matter as long as the motion is forward.

Organize, calendar, tasks

Learning to organize your day into bite-size chunks will help. Get a calendar that you like to work with. Organize activities that you can begin and finish within an allotted period. This keeps you from getting to scattered. Activity vs. Productivity. We want production!

Map out a day from hour-to-hour. Don’t wing this get organized. If you do, success is coming. Being busy is just being active. Have clear and actionable tasks, complete the work before moving on. This is the difference between winning and the status quo.

Start today, now if possible. Procrastination is what other people do!

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Spiritual Warfare

Life can be challenging to navigate when we live in our heads. Our head filled with doubt, and hundreds of demons from our past. We’re in spiritual warfare. The enemy takes over your head, he can’t take your soul, but he can get into your head.

Difficulties will come hard, and they will go fast. This warfare inside your mind is a battle you can win! Tools of the war given to you in the Bible. For those that are screaming, “I don’t have a Bible, I don’t read the Bible; I don’t like the Bible, hang on this article will help.

Two ways we can live. In our head or our soul. If you suffer now, it’s a result of trusting your head and not looking beyond to the spirit that lives in you. Become the person you need to find to live the life you dream. Finding a spiritual connection in this life provides freedom. Notice I said nothing of religion or religious. I’m not asking you to convert I am asking you to find your higher power. For me, that is God.

If life is in turmoil, you don’t see a way out; your depression is debilitating. The odds are against you as we speak. Are you just going to lay down and let this wash over you? Or would you like to learn to fight? Hopefully, later.

The fight that is going to come with some real pain. I tell you this from my own experience. It’s also what I have heard from so many folks suffering as you do now. Everyone has problems at some point and time. Each of us has been to the brink of disaster. Anyone that suggests their life is rainbows and butterflies one hundred percent of the time is hiding the real pain. None of us are without sin or suffering.

Our head will tell us there is NO way out. Here is where the fight begins. Believe NOW as though what you suffer from is fixed, done, complete, over, and you are happy, joyous, and free of pain. If you see your life the way you want it EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT IN THIS MOMENT, life will start to change. Don’t for one minute think it will change overnight. Know this, going to take some real work, and we’re going to fight your mind hard. The enemy loves for you to be in pain. He will fill your head with fear.

When I talk about the enemy being in your head (NO you’re not Reagan McNeil) this is the spiritual warfare I speak about in this article. God lives in your heart, your soul. The enemy likes to reside in your head where the real garbage can be put to do it’s worst. When we impose our own will, that is the enemy tricking you into failing. Think about it your head got you to the point your at today. How about some relief?

Praying as though what we want already exists even though we don’t have it yet. Try this it’s compelling! Here change will begin. You have to believe in your heart that you have the life you want, even when everything is crumbling around you. Don’t see your life in turmoil. You will only delay your change.

Seeing your life in the right way and not a negative way takes real patience and faith. It will be difficult to see a happy experience when in turmoil or pain. Dig in, if you want out of the pain, dig in. What I have done to help us learn to meditate and quiet my mind. When you can slow down the whirlwind that our minds can become. Fantastic peace can begin to happen. Seeing in our mind’s eye a life we desire.

Meditating will take a little practice, and your head will spin a bit for a time. It’s okay everyone has to practice. That’s why they call meditation a method. I like to lay on my bed lights out, with headphones that help drown out ambient noise. You can find tons of meditation music on YouTube. Find relaxing music that will help you do just that relaxing.

Your head will race for a time, just breathe and relax during your meditation. Ask God to be present, begin to see him sweeping peace over your life. As you meditate daily view yourself in life, you would choose to live. See yourself happy, see yourself prospering and let go of all the garbage. Faith believes before you see it. It’s the opposite of what our heads will tell us.

To win the spiritual battle in your mind, you have to believe in something you don’t yet have. The price of admission to a happy life is faith. The amount of confidence feels before you receive. Giving up in the face of adversity is not an option!

The attack in your mind will come hard, don’t despair. It’s habits that have chocked you for years, they won’t just stop overnight, but you can manage. The harder the attack in your noodle, the more magnificent the blessing is on the other side. One thing that was truly hard for me to get was why does God let me suffer. He is not, and God only gives us what we can handle. I can hear you screaming, “I can’t handle it.”Yes, you can.

faith, Prayer, God


 If you will believe that when you don’t see a way will manifest. Now is when a change will begin. A significant difference in wishful thinking and faith. You have to put some action into your life. Just saying something does not make it so. Setting the work in will activate your ability to manifest a pleasant experience. I wish I could tell you that hoping for something will make it so, and it’s going to take work.

Don’t get caught in the trap of “it will never happen to me.” Here is the way I look at the lottery. They say you have a better shot at getting struck by lightning than winning. Someone eventually wins. So it’s not impossible because someone does win. Your odds of getting out of a dangerous situation are indeed less than winning the lottery, but you see my point. Nothing is impossible. You can even get struck by lighting.

Everything we’re discussing up to now that has to do with fear, doubt or your thinking you can’t do something. That is all conditioned in your head by the enemy. It’s time to break that bind. When you get a negative thought in your head, tell yourself reality is “fortune and glory kid”—Indiana Jones. No, seriously you can change your life’s trajectory if you choose too.

When you begin to live in your soul, drawing from the spiritual side of your life, change can happen. Get your head out of the equation and listen to the universe, your God. Amazing transformations will begin to occur. You will have trials, times where life seems unbearable. Times when you want to give up because you think in the natural world it’s too hard. Take one more step, take ten if you have to because change is just around the bend.

Don’t give up in your darkest moments, and God will manifest a life for you that dreams do come true. If God can put stars in the sky, I am pretty sure he can get you through what troubles you. Get in faith, do what’s before you and dream big. Don’t be afraid to ask for something you might think is enormous, remember God created the Universe so unless you’re asking for a solar system, again I am pretty sure God can make a way where you don’t see a way. You have to have unwavering faith!

When times are tough to remember everyone has problems, not just you, I do we all do. It’s temporary, and God loves you!

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