Giving Up Not an Option Today

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”–Thomas Edison

It’s difficult to gauge when to let go of something and when to keep going. Competitive, successful folks will tell you that they’re willing to take one more step than you.

Any setback should be viewed as a time to re-evaluate change course and move forward again. The sad truth is most people quit when delays occur. Saying “it’s too hard,” “this won’t work.”

happy, prayer, God

Don’t just give up when the seas get rough. Set a new course towards calmer seas. If you see a Hurricane coming you don’t want sale towards it, you get the hell out of there. Same principal with anything you’re trying to achieve.

Okay, crazy move quote. Clint Eastwood playing a Marine would tell his soldiers, “We’re Marines we improvise, we adapt, we overcome.” That statement has stuck in my head for years. Something I share a great deal.

You can quit, or you can improvise, adapt, and overcome. It’s up to you!

Colonel Sanders had to go out over one thousand times before he was able to get his chicken recipe out to millions. Kentucky Fried Chicken!

The real question is, how committed are you. Think of the old adage “where there is a will there is a way.” I always joke that one day I am going to crack the safe and oh wow! Keeping in mind that I am serious.

When you think you cannot take another step. Pick up your foot and choose the action!!!

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business, success, faith