Proverbs Great Place to Begin

Proverbs 1 King James Version (KJV)

1 The proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel.

2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding.

3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity.

4 To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.

5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation, the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Bible, Proverbs, Christian

When I learned about Proverbs for the first time and then began to study this book of the Bible. Everything in our lives that needs understanding can be found in the book of Proverbs.

Reading self-help books, all the information in these books can be found in Proverbs. When you read the book, you will correlate much of what you learn to books you have already read.

Reading the book of Proverbs will amaze you when your first read this book. Many versus you will have heard in some shape or form that you did not realize was a part of this fabulous book.

King Solomon wrote this as an amazing man. It’s been said that in today’s terms, he would be hundreds of times wealthier than today’s billionaires. The money let’s be clear Solomon always prayed for wisdom. Hence the book.

With knowledge comes power. Responsibly used and King Solomon even to this day is unmatched. He was a good man and a good King.

If you find yourself as I did a novice at understanding the Bible. Reading Proverbs opens a world that is filled with hope. When we understand life, we have the wisdom to progress our lives. Bounties begin to manifest in your life.

This was Solomon’s key to success in every aspect of life. Wisdom! Knowledge is power, this statement rings so true.

When you have the wisdom to withstand life adversity. You will plow through anything life throws at you. Understanding that challenges are seasons of learning, “this to shall pass.” We’ve all heard this saying.

If I could recommend any place to start in the Bible. My first choice would be Proverbs. The Bible is an excellent read.

A couple of suggestions, I enjoy the Message Bible and The Passion translation. For me, much easier to read than say the King James Version. Written more in today’s language, I was able to not have to stop and look up words while reading.

Robert Bruton Podcast Show

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Vision Board and Goals

Amazing how the bible is filled with everything we believe in regarding self-improvement. You can find it all in the Bible. Proverbs is an excellent place to start if you want to test my theory.

Proverbs was written by King Solomon. Let’s just say in today’s terms, King Solomon’s wealth would make Bill Gates look like a pauper.

Vision boards! Read this bible verse pretty cool:

Habakkuk 2

2-3And then God answered: “Write this.

Write what you see.

Write it out in big block letters

so that it can be read on the run.

This vision-message is a witness

pointing to what’s coming.

From basically the dawn of time, folks like you and I have studied to improve their lives. Throughout history, self-improvement has been a part of the discourse for millions of people.

Something to be said for goals and having a vision board for visual reference.

Here are some fun ideas to create a vision board:

  1. Gather up pictures from magazines, the internet, with your goals and dreams. Don’t be shy. Remember, God flung into existence the Universe, so I think he can handle even your wildest goals.
  2. A poster board makes a great vision board. Glue your photos all over it in a collage. Then place the board in a prominent place so that you see it every day. Several times a day!
  3. You can also make a folder in your photos on your phone, vision board. Then save into these photo pictures that inspire you.
  4. It’s okay to have more than one board. Again, don’t be shy.
  5. Do work. If you just stare at photos and never act. Nothing will happen. Action must occur faithfully, diligently, and consistently if you ever want your vision to come true!

Vision boards are ever-evolving. As one goal is achieved, get a new one on the board.

John Assaraf, in the movie The Secret. He told the story of his son, asking him what his vision boards were for. He said to his son, “they are daddies vision for his life,” as he thumbed through the boards,  stopped to see a photo of a house that years before he put on a vision board. He had not looked at this board for a long time. He then realized the new home they were moving in was the exact house he had just purchased.

goals, self improvement, self help

He never put that together until he was unpacking boxes in his home. A picture of his dream house, he clips out of a magazine years before he now owns. Wow, what a fantastic story.

Last year I had not looked at my board for some time. Even lapsing reading my goals for a time. Yet, I endeavor to not miss a day. Reading my own goals, I paused when I read the one that was to publish my first book in 2019. It dawned on me at that moment, I published seven.

Vision boards and written goals work!

The key to success with your goals is action. You cannot sit on your ass and expect the world to feed you. Get off your duff and get working. Small steps, giant steps, just move. Forward momentum with a plan will open up your life to incredible heights.

The life you want to have. Put in front of you every day. Let God know. Remember what it says in the bible. You have not because you ask not—James 4:2

Give it to God, vision yourself with what you ask. Do work. See your life manifest into abundance, peace, hope, and love.


I found this and love it, for those of us that need creative…

Check out this Vision board kit: 

vision board, goals, happy


Sign a Peace Treaty with Yourself Today

“If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.”–Marvin Gaye

This quote is so accurate. Making peace with yourself is liberating. It’s also authentic if you don’t make peace with yourself, you cannot find it anywhere else.

Self-destructive behavior, depression, will keep you from finding inner peace. So many suffer years without any relief. These and other situations will require some real self-evaluation to get some needed help. There is no substitute for professional advice.

life, love, happy

In working out my own life to find peace with myself. To enjoy myself! Some days are a struggle, but the good news I catch myself so that I can breathe for a moment to remember I am okay.

How I got to this point:

  • Found a sizeable Pastoral Counseling center.
  • Learned to meditate.
  • Read books with self-improvement themes.
  • Read the Book of Proverbs!!!
  • Attend Church, found an excellent bible based church.
  • Pray

This is just a few things I have done. Practice being positive as silly as that might sound. Keep using affirmations over, and over again. It works!

NO matter what you’ve done in your life. If you’re not the same person you were, then don’t sentence yourself to a life of despair. Change and move on. Enjoy a new life and a new you.

It takes a bit of work, but completely worth the time!

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Living Life with Joy, Happiness, Hope, Love, Yes You Can!

“I used to read five psalms every day – that teaches me how to get along with God. Then I read a chapter of Proverbs every day, and that teaches me how to get along with my fellow man.”–Billy Graham

We all must take time daily to nourish our soul. Taking time daily to feed our brains with good information allows us to weather life’s storms with greater knowledge. Therefore, you move through the storm armed with experience to guide you.

prayer, hope, Proverbs

Without knowledge, you can expect a tumultuous time when faced with life’s obstacles. Take time daily to make an investment in your own education, knowledge!

As we’ve discussed in other articles. Schedule time for yourself each day. Reading the bible especially Proverbs will help you through life. Every self-help book is written that teaches how to handle life’s woes, you can find in Proverbs the answer to overcoming life’s trials and tribulations.

I will challenge you to read a few pages of Proverbs if you have not. When I did it changed everything for me. All the knowledge I had acquired through reading self-help books was all their in the book of Proverbs.

If you have never read the bible I would recommend when you read Proverbs try the Message Bible, it’s written in today’s language. You will find it very easy to understand. The translation is amazing. The whole version makes learning the Bible easy.

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