The Karankawa and the Sea

The Karankawa Indians were fierce and independent people who lived off the land and the sea. They were the original inhabitants of the Texas Gulf Coast, and their homeland stretched from Galveston Bay to Corpus Christi Bay.

The Karankawa were known for their tall stature and muscular build. They were also known for their distinctive appearance, which included long hair, tattoos, and piercings. The Karankawa were skilled hunters and fishermen and gathered wild plants and shellfish. They lived in small villages, and their society was based on kinship.

The Karankawa were a peaceful people, but they were also known for their fierceness in battle. They were skilled warriors, and they often fought against other tribes, as well as against Spanish explorers and settlers.

In the early 1800s, the Karankawa were decimated by disease and warfare. By the end of the century, their population had dwindled to a few hundred. Today, there are only a handful of Karankawa Indians left, but their legacy lives on in the stories and traditions of the Texas Gulf Coast.

buildings on the coast of sosnovy bor leningrad oblast russia
Photo by Kseniya on

Here is a story about a young Karankawa woman named Awa:

Awa was a young Karankawa woman who lived in a village on the Texas Gulf coast. She was a skilled hunter and fisherman, and she was also a talented storyteller. Awa loved to listen to the stories of her elders, and she often dreamed of one day becoming a storyteller herself.

One day, Awa was out hunting when she encountered a strange creature. The creature was tall and slender, with long white hair and piercing blue eyes. Awa had never seen anything like it before.

The creature spoke to Awa in a language she didn’t understand. Awa tried to talk to the beast in her speech, but the animal didn’t understand her.

The creature seemed friendly, and Awa returned it to her village. When she showed the animal to her elders, they were amazed. They had never seen anything like it either.

The elders decided to call the creature “The Spirit of the Sea.” They told Awa that the Spirit of the Sea was a powerful creature and that she should be honored to have found it.

Awa took good care of The Spirit of the Sea. She fed it fish and berries and made a comfortable bed for it in her hut. The Spirit of the Sea seemed to be happy with Awa’s care.

One day, Awa was out hunting when encountering a group of Spanish explorers. The explorers were looking for a place to build a settlement and were impressed by Awa’s skills as a hunter and fisherman. So they invited her to join their expedition, and she agreed.

Awa traveled with the explorers to their new settlement, which they called San Antonio de Béxar. She helped them to build their homes and to learn about the land. She also told them stories about the Karankawa people and The Spirit of the Sea.

The Spanish explorers were fascinated by Awa’s stories. They had never heard of anything like The Spirit of the Sea before. They asked Awa to take them to see the creature, but she refused. So instead, she told them that The Spirit of the Sea was a sacred creature and could only be seen by those who were worthy.

The Spanish explorers were disappointed, but they respected Awa’s wishes. So they continued living in San Antonio de Béxar and learned to live peacefully with the Karankawa people.

Awa lived a long and happy life. She became a respected member of the Spanish community and was known for her wisdom and storytelling skills. She always remembered The Spirit of the Sea and often told her children and grandchildren stories about it. The stories of The Spirit of the Sea helped to keep the Karankawa culture alive, and they continue to be told today.

One day, Awa was visited by a young boy. The boy was the son of one of the Spanish explorers, and he had heard Awa’s stories about The Spirit of the Sea. The boy asked Awa if she would take him to see the creature, and Awa agreed.

Awa took the boy to the beach and waited for The Spirit of the Sea to appear. After a while, they saw a large wave rise out of the ocean. The wave crashed onto the beach, and The Spirit of the Sea emerged.

The boy was amazed by The Spirit of the Sea. He had never seen anything so beautiful before. The Spirit of the Sea looked at the boy and smiled. Then, it turned and swam away.

The boy always remembered the day he saw The Spirit of the Sea. He told his friends and family about the creature, and the stories of The Spirit of the Sea spread throughout the land.

The Spirit of the Sea continued to appear to people occasionally. It was said that the creature brought good luck to those who saw it. The Spirit of the Sea symbolized hope and peace, and it helped keep the Karankawa culture alive.

Giving Up Not an Option Today

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”–Thomas Edison

It’s difficult to gauge when to let go of something and when to keep going. Competitive, successful folks will tell you that they’re willing to take one more step than you.

Any setback should be viewed as a time to re-evaluate change course and move forward again. The sad truth is most people quit when delays occur. Saying “it’s too hard,” “this won’t work.”

happy, prayer, God

Don’t just give up when the seas get rough. Set a new course towards calmer seas. If you see a Hurricane coming you don’t want sale towards it, you get the hell out of there. Same principal with anything you’re trying to achieve.

Okay, crazy move quote. Clint Eastwood playing a Marine would tell his soldiers, “We’re Marines we improvise, we adapt, we overcome.” That statement has stuck in my head for years. Something I share a great deal.

You can quit, or you can improvise, adapt, and overcome. It’s up to you!

Colonel Sanders had to go out over one thousand times before he was able to get his chicken recipe out to millions. Kentucky Fried Chicken!

The real question is, how committed are you. Think of the old adage “where there is a will there is a way.” I always joke that one day I am going to crack the safe and oh wow! Keeping in mind that I am serious.

When you think you cannot take another step. Pick up your foot and choose the action!!!

Buy Me A Coffee

business, success, faith

Daily Quote be Inspired

When we learn to sail in the high winds of life their is nothing we cannot conquer. Learn to see true North in all that you do. 

sailing, daily quote, success

“We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.”–Aristotle Onassis