Living Today will Give You a Blessed Tomorrow

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.”–Earl Nightingale

One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is how to live in the moment. Not have my mind worried about the end of the month bills or some other monster that’s not even in the room.

We tend to project ourselves down the road as it were. Worrying about what might happen instead of focusing on tasks at hand. Solving problems takes immediate action. Not something you delay. Focus yourself each day.

prayer, God, Spiritual,

When we worry about problems that are looming but not yet come to fruition. We stifle any real progress we could make. Take each day and give it the full attention of your efforts. Learn the difference between activity vs. productivity.

If for example you’re worried about the rent and you still have two weeks work left. Lot’s of things can happen in two weeks. Ask your boss if you can volunteer for overtime. Take a coworkers shift. Sit down and breathe for a moment and see what solutions could be available. Consult with someone you trust.

Answers can come when cooler heads prevail. Freaked out, worried minds, produce the same result. Learn to get rid of stress, meditate, breathe, pray, walk, workout, and if needed, take time for YOU!

Get busy living now. Make yourself do something that gives you pleasure. You can’t stress 24/7 and ever expect a good result. It’s difficult to begin; it was for me at the beginning. Now I can let go of my day and recharge my batteries to face a new day tomorrow.

With practice and commitment, you can do the same. Find time to let your head relax. So go take a walk and enjoy the moment!

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Are you Ready for Hope

A guide to help you find change and hope. How to change your life guide that is easy to read and follow. Introduction: For most of us, we can find something within our lives we need to change. Perhaps even a full life makeover. Whether it’s one thing or several, this guide will help you make lasting change. Doing this will take work, the strength of mind and commitment if this cliché is your life; sick and tired of being sick and tired. If this is, you are welcome here. Last year into this year my own life required me to make many changes. It’s taken some education that I want to share this information with you — saving you lots of time and heartache. Evolution has many challenges that come with it. Sadly, many will quit before lasting change can occur. Let me guide you through these rocky shoals to your new life. It took me at times through incredibly difficult paths, dark moments and simple trial & error before all this made sense. If you follow what you learn here, I trust it will help you further your efforts changing your own life. It doesn’t matter the reason what is essential is the process of change. We will discuss in depth process, actions and results.


Change your State of Mind

“When you begin to worry, go find something to do. Get busy being a blessing to someone; do something fruitful. Talking about your problem or sitting alone, thinking about it, does no good; it serves only to make you miserable. Above all else, remember that worrying is totally useless. Worrying will not solve your problem.”–Joyce Meyer

This is a struggle for everyone.  When everything in your life is something to worry about. So how do we get through that?

When you begin to realize that no matter what you’re going through in life, it’s temporary. If you get flustered stifling any sort of progress the situation stalls or gets worse.

Begin to look at trials and tribulations as a coaching exercise. Learn to realize God is coaching you to become a world-class you! What do coaches do? They train you to go beyond what you believe you can do. Stretch yourself beyond your limiting beliefs.

self improvement, self help, happy

This was life changing for me. I don’t look at difficulties as a problem, but a learning experience preparing me to handle anything life can throw at me. Yes, at times, you can feel alone, lost, and defeated. At this moment I think of myself as running dead last in a race. I can choose to fail, or I can run my heart out and win.

God is merely working all of us out. He is training us to handle anything the enemy can throw to disrupt our life. Why can’t God just fix my life? He is trying by letting you work through the pain to strengthen your resolve.

It hurts I can’t do it! God never puts more on our plate than we can handle. Hard to understand, but here is the skinny. Get through this because on the other side of pain is your destiny. Bigger and brighter than you can imagine.

Change the way you look at problems. They’re not happening at you they’re happing for you!

Here are some exercises you can do to change your state-of-mind:

  1. Crank up some music that gets you dancing. Music can immediately improve your state and put a smile on your face. 
  2. Breathe. Take 60 seconds or so and just breathe. In through the nose and out through the mouth, beautiful and relaxing. 
  3. Pray. Nothing like a good prayer. You can hand God the garbage he is ready to be a blessing to you and carry it out. 
  4. Meditate. Find the right place to meditate and relax your mind and body.
  5. Take a walk. Get outdoors and walk to help relieve muscle stress. Throw on some headphones and good music. 

Okay, five things to help you change your state-of-mind. The rest is up to you. Don’t wait, don’t procrastinate, GO, DO, START, BEGIN, NOW!!! 🙂

God is Your Coach available on Amazon:

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Beginners Guide to Yoga & Meditation

Many different places offer yoga classes– gyms, wellness centers, even the local YMCA. But you don’t have to join a class to practice yoga. It is just as easily done in your home or even at your desk while at work. Yoga can help bring you inner peace when you are stressed out. It can also help relieve the pain of headaches, backaches, and menstrual cramps.


Kick Horrors of Fear in the Gut, Strength, Courage is Yours NOW!

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You can say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.”–Eleanor Roosevelt

Facing fear comes in many forms. It also is indoctrinated into our psyche over years and years. We play into it when difficulties overtake our life. When the bombardment of “I can’t” “this is too hard” become so overwhelming in our minds.

fear, happy, joy

Just as the quote states, we live through a horror.

The excellent news is the strength you need is within you. It’s not hard to tap into when you discipline yourself to overcome the challenge. Here are some daily rituals I do that help me get through:

  • Stop and just breathe. Take sixty seconds and breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Breathing will relieve tension in your body. This makes a measurable change in your body. 
  • Walk. Just get out and walk for a bit. Again relieving stress in your muscles will clear your mind. It’s incredible how this works. Walk up to a flight of stairs, walk down the street, just get out and walk.
  • Meditate. Learn to quiet your mind. Meditation can help you focus your mind on positive. There is a reason it’s called a meditation practice. Do this often, set designated times to practice your meditation. 
  • Grateful. Be grateful for what you have and for what is coming. Thank God for the blessing he is moving into your life. 
  • Pray. Don’t beg, pray. “Please God get me through this, please” NO! Give to God what you need, what he needs to guide you. Show him you’re grateful for it and let him do the rest. 

You can overcome adversity, fear, you name it you can overcome. It takes work, it takes some pain, it takes real desire. You can do it! I have to push every day to overcome huge fears. Someday’s the journey seems too much. That’s the time take one more step, do one more thing forward. This makes all the difference.

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Secrets About Love the Government Is Hiding

“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.”–Og Mandino
This quote brings perspective to life, it’s all how you look at life, love, and happiness.

Have you failed in love, lost a relationship maybe even several. Has love eluded you as though it were some ultra-secret Government project? Romantic love, self-love, love of life, love, love, love!!!

passion, love, romance

Love sets our world on its axis. Love can bring us to the brink of total self-destruction. Yet we seek it with a passion an unwavering passion. Imagine bringing to bear this same passion in all aspects of our lives. Think about when love has involved the level of intensity and commitment you bring to it?

Romantic love brings out the very best, but it can bring out the very worst in people. Love blinds our judgment at times. Yet we continue to move towards the train tracks when everyone is screaming the train is coming. Will walk right out on those train tracks in pursuit of love.

When it comes to love, romantic love is often times where love begins and ends. Yet love should permeate our life experience in all we do. Love should guide our personal journey. Keep in the back of your mind reading this article the power of love. Think about your level of commitment to the pursuit of romantic love.

What seems to hide from most of us. Loving ourselves, loving the life we’ve carved out for ourselves. The passion with which we chisel out our experience. The masterpiece we hope it to be.

Of course, we love our family and children. When I talk about love or just about anything that has to do with life. Take the family out of the equation (not in the wrong way). Everyone loves their children, spouses with all their heart.

The real question is, do you love yourself as much as you like someone else? The same love you show for your child, do you give yourself that same level of devotion? If you don’t have a child, it can be a parent, spouse, or even a pet.

Do you love yourself with the same level that you like others?

The fact is being happy with yourself, bringing a glad you to this world. That’s where the real blessings begin. Where you find those hidden secrets to life that appear to be the most heavily guarded government secrets.

How do we find self-love, you ask?

  1. Spirituality. Get connected to God, the Universe, a higher power. Learn where your soul lives!
  2. Meditation, get connected with your conscious and sub-conscious mind. Learn to quiet the mind so you can receive.
  3. Breathe! Yep, I said it, learn to take breaks during your day to breathe. The power of this sixty-second time for you is immeasurable. It relaxes your mind and lets go of tension.
  4. Yoga. If you’ve never tried Yoga, then let me invite you for a fantastic surprise. Go try a few classes, you will get hooked!
  5. Make an investment in yourself. Video’s, books, classes, anything that uplifts your own spirit.

These five things are a great start. Learning to love yourself can be a daunting challenge. We’ve all done things in our lives that we wished we hadn’t. Guilt and self-loathing can rear their ugly heads to help us kick our own ass. It doesn’t have to be that way. Speaking from my personal experience here.

Here is my take on the past. If you are not doing the same things, you did in the past. Living your life in the right positive direction. It’s time to let yourself out of history and into your new life. It’s okay to love yourself, even with a past. Hell, we all have a past, if you’ve changed let it go.

Past indiscretions are not life sentences. Not doing the same things that were done in the past is your salvation to a new life. Let it go to God, never do it again, and you can have peace. This is a big one for me. If people in your life can’t see the change, you’ve made or want to hang on to the past. Don’t let that steal your joy.

If you have friends or family still holding onto your past. Not much you can do about that.

Loving ourselves begins with a first step. My challenge to you is to make the first step right now. Don’t think about it, start. Take one action today.

If you find this article useful, please think about buying me a cup of coffee, and thanks!

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self love,happiness,peace

Why Happies are the Secret Ingredient

“Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.”–Dale Carnegie 

To begin a real change in our lives the fact that happiness dictates all. Coming to terms with joy is a choice. If you want to be happy, then be glad it’s that easy.

Most of us struggle to be happy. My thoughts on this from my own experience, we have been conditioned to believe that if it’s too easy, it’s cheap, not real, not worth it. We all see things to good to be true usually are. So when happy is just a simple change in mindset, then I believe subconsciously we stray.

self help, peace

In my mind, you must recondition your mind to be happy. It’s what I work on daily. To be candid, it’s been a struggle. Part of it has been a lack of knowledge that happiness is a choice state-of-mind. It can rush upon you for moments, sure.

Here is some daily to-do’s to help find happiness:

  1. Change your thoughts (yes sometimes easier said than done) try and think about things that bring you joy. Make a conscious effort daily. Retrain the brain!
  2. Walk. Get out and walk even if it’s just down the street and back. Let your body let go of stress. Walking relieves tension.
  3. Breathe for at least one minute a few times a day. In through the nose and out through the mouth to relax.
  4. Make sure your body posture is shoulders back standing tall. Don’t slump.
  5. Meditate and see through your minds-eye yourself happy, smiling, and laughing.
  6. Laugh!!!

Do any number of these or all if you can. Daily! Set reminders in your phone to remind you of the activity. Then do it!

If you retrain your thoughts towards a happy state-of-mind, guess what? You will begin to call upon yourself to be satisfied. Yes, there will be times of stress, but training your thoughts will make them fewer and farther between.

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