Adopting a Pet 5 tips

Without hesitation, I can tell you adopted pets are lovely. If your family is considering a pet, I hope you will consider adopting before you make a final choice. I am a happy adopting pet owner!

dog, cat, pet adoption

To have a successful pet adoption experience here a few things you need to do:

  1. What type of lifestyle does your family have? Active, somber, children, other pets? Choose pet bread that matches your families lifestyle. 
  2. Do you have a budget set aside for pet care and maintenance? Vet bills, food, preventative medicine?
  3. Does your landlord allow for pets, if so what is the deposit?
  4. Do you have time to take care of the animal? Pets get destructive because of separation anxiety or boredom. Make sure you can take your pet for walks, dog park visits and so on. 
  5. If you have children make sure, they’re not allergic to pet dander, cats or the like. Some small children do have animal allergies. 

Before you just wander into a Pet Shelter or Humane Society, do some homework. Some dog breeds have tons of energy if your family is not able to play with dogs like this, get them lots of exercises. Honestly, it may not be a good fit. Lots of people love Lab’s but don’t realize these are water dogs who like to play.

Breeds have different temperaments, the biggest failure in owning a pet is getting a breed that requires more than families are able to give. The good news with a little research and right questions at the Shelter you can choose the right dog for your family.

If you have questions we’re happy to answer:


Lonely How About a Pet

For many years I went without any sort of pets. Seemed to be too much of a hassle, can’t go anywhere lots to clean up. So I just did not have a pet in my life. That’s not the case today. My dog, Glitzy, gives me such joy and happiness. She is the best companion. She is also a massive member of our family.

Glitzy is such a part of my life. She rides in the car with me, greats me when I wake up with kisses and she is joyous to see me. She sleeps under the covers and snuggles up all night. She is comfort while sleeping. When I come home, she again greets me with a joyous, loving reception. Lots of kisses from Glitzy.adopt a pet, pet, dog

When Glitzy came home as a puppy, she could fit inside a coffee mug. She was tiny and incredibly cute. Her hair was soft as angels wings. I would hold her close to my neck, and she would sleep and cuddle. The bond began.

Now I would not think of a life without a pet to love. Anything that I stressed about in owning a dog have all been eliminated ounce she got home. Every since even if she has an accident in the house which is rare, it’s no big deal.

Before you venture out to get a pet. Think about several things before you adopt a pet into your home.

  1. Make sure the breed you choose fits your lifestyle. For example, hyper dogs require lots of room to run and burn off energy. If you don’t like to be outside that much, don’t get a water dog or a more hyper breed. This is how pets get re-homed, and that is truly sad for the animal.
  2. Keep in mind that just like a child, an animal needs love and attention. Make sure you have time to devote to the care and love of your pet.
  3. Keep in mind potty training takes time. So you may need to segregate your pet to a vinal or tile floor. Clean up is much more comfortable. If your house is a total carpet, you seriously may want to look into vinal floors. Sorry, but once a dog or cat urinates on the rug, it won’t come out entirely.
  4. Make sure you have in your family budget money for regular Veterinary care. Dogs need heartworm medicine regularly. Not to mention if they get sick. Taking care of your pet is your responsibility.

dog, pet, lonely

Have a pet companion is the most significant thing in the world. Glitzy has such a sassy personality and very bossy. Glitzy Barks at me for everything Glitzy needs even when I don’t know what that is.

If you need a little company, think about adopting a pet. I can tell you that folks that choose say they received the greatest gift. Dog’s and cats seem to sense when they come home after being in a shelter. It may take a few days for them to get settled in.

Once your pet gets a sense of home, and you become a part of your animal’s pack. You will cherish them like you do any other family member.

Check with your local shelters about adopting!

If you have any question: