Resources vs. Resourcefulness

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your future. Make your hope. Make your love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.”—Bradley Whitford

In my research, the one common denominator that stood out to me more than anything. Peoples fear a lack of resources. We don’t have the right equipment. I don’t have a proper education. We don’t have enough money.

All great excuses if you don’t want to win. Throw in the towel before you even get in the ring.

Let’s dispel a few things.

The definition of resourcefulness as it appears in the dictionary:


the ability to find quick and smart ways to overcome difficulties.

“his films show remarkable technical resourcefulness.”

You are learning to become clever. If you say you can’t be clever, I am going to scream.

Yes, you can!

Let’s work a couple of scenarios:

You want to start a photography business. You have no gear or at least not too much.

  • Some of the gorgeous photographs taken with a smartphone. Apple®, for example, has photo contests for its products.
  • Have you seen how many commercials shot on the phone? YouTube®
  • Pentax® introduced a new point-n-shoot and shot all the national promotional commercials with it.
  • Rent gear. Several cool shops offer this service for any camera you can think of including Cinema cameras. I should know I rent equipment all the time.
  • Free editing software. I use an editor called Resolve®. It’s free and very robust. Even pay software is not that expensive to use.

With a little research, you can get smart enough to start your business. Besides, most great videographers prefer simple equipment. You don’t need a $50,000 camera to shoot incredible shots. It’s the eye, not the gear! The expensive gear will come, be great the gear companies will come to you!

How about relationships. Who says you can’t find the right person? Say your supper, shy. Social occasions, you freeze, cold sweats, and disaster.

  • In chapter one, we learned volunteers. Do something you are passionate about that helps people. My guess is you do something in your life that you do well, and the shy you fade away. Helping others is a great way to get out of your head.
  • Teach people something. You can go to the library and offer a class. Can you potty train a puppy, do you cook well, can you bowl, what can you do that you could teach someone else to do?
  • Read to kids at the library. Kids are funny and will keep you on your toes.

Find something that will help you strengthen yourself to have confidence. Then we go out and tackle the big fish. Use things you’re comfortable to do to help you develop.

Most people I meet that are shy are afraid of social interaction. Why? Because of a lack of being in that environment. I get there are clinical issues that can go beyond this simple process. What I am suggesting is if you’re comfortable, to try simple things like volunteering. It’s easy to exit these situations if needed.

The more we can put ourselves in situations that allow us to grow from our fear. The less likely we are to fail.

Resourcefulness is fun to challenge the mind to find solutions to the impossible. My favorite comeback when asked what I am doing at work; “I am making Ice Cream out of dog shit.” Talk about resourceful, forget about it.

However, let’s stop for a second. You would have to be resourceful to make ice cream out of dog poo. The extreme that I want to take you too. If we lack in resources, then we better learn to make this ice cream.

How pray-tell do we achieve this smelly task, you ask? Knowledge, read, research, we learn how. Did you know that Warren Buffet reads much of his day? Other veracious readers include Bill Gates and Mark Cuban. My thinking is if these guys gather this much knowledge, seeing what level of success they enjoy. Well, there is something to the power of education.

When we have a lack of resources, maybe gaining knowledge that shows us how to be resourceful to overcome an obstacle will serve us well. Even if we have the resources, would you not prefer to solve a problem vs. writing a check cleverly?

witty, clever, smart

Something I have learned along the way about having funding for a business. Of course, who would not want a million in the bank to begin a business? However, many who start a business with funding often fail. It makes you complacent. Take more risks in advertising, or we need this piece of equipment. When reality says no, you don’t.

Let me share something with you that I thought was one of the most profound statements ever. Robert Stephens, the founder of Geek Squad®, made this vague statement; “Advertising is the TAX you pay for being Unremarkable!”

What does advertising do it begs people to buy your stuff cheaper than anyone else? Have you ever seen a Cartier® commercial that says; THIS SATURDAY ONLY WE’RE BLOWING OUT ALL OUR ENGAGEMENT RINGS AT 50% OFF OUR LOWEST PRICE. Are you kidding me? Cartier® does not even open the store on Saturdays. If you can’t come during the week, you can’t afford to shop there. Moreover, they’re remarkable!

Think about that metaphorically. You could apply this statement for every aspect of your life.

 Are you remarkable?

  • Remarkable Human Being
  • Remarkable Spouse
  • Exceptional Parent
  • Outstanding health

This statement speaks to resourcefulness. People are much more impressed with cleverness than they are any amount of money.

I could hire a ghostwriter, or I can write my books myself. Writing requires me to be smart. If I can’t keep you engaged in the book, I won’t sell to many. Amid this, I still hold down and everyday Joe job that is a stepping stone to my new life.

Learning to become resourceful will help you gain a great many new skills when no choice exists but to do something or try something. As you journey into that abyss, you will retain more because your focus is more.

You can teach yourself to do just about anything. The question is how bad you want your dreams to come true. Are you willing to invest in your success? The question applies to any aspect of your life. A great deal of what I’m writing sounds like a business success story. This information is all-encompassing.

The only way you can ever expect to win is to have more knowledge than the other guy. Allow you the resourcefulness to amaze. When you can solve issues without having to buy your way out or in, my friend that is genius. Who would you do business with a talent or a dude that has a lot of money (keep in mind money comes and goes)? The genius has a higher long-term yield.

Apply this to a relationship. Who will win the girl? The clever man or the guy with money? The clever man will have to work much harder and do even more spectacular things to win a girl’s affection. A good woman is going to weigh out and respect more the guy who must come up with unique ways to make the girl feel special. Money might buy you a good time, may purchase good food, but a resourceful guy wins over the heart.

If people can see your ability to solve problems consistently, that will take you to the finish line every time! Money comes and goes. Intelligence if forever.

I go back to the photography business. It’s not the gear; it’s the photographer’s eye. You can see the subject in a way that inspires. You can give a $50,000 camera to someone that never guarantees a Pulitzer prize.  For that matter, a decent photo.

Being resourceful solving issues, seeing life in a way that you embrace challenge you don’t freeze because things get tough. Seeing the opportunity in all things is our minds destination. For years, I did not, and gave up. No more!

Today I am always looking at how to improve a bad situation. Looking to be resourceful helps me hone my skills.

This is a Chapter out of Tying it All Together. Link to Amazon

book, eBook, paperback book

Does Your Life seem like a Shattered Glass?

Does your life seem shattered like a piece of glass? So many broken pieces it just seems hopeless to even try and clean it up.

Good news is that our shattered lives can be cleaned up just like a shattered piece of glass. Once you begin to clean up the glass (your life) keep in mind that glass is hard to clean up. Sometimes you will step on a sliver that was left behind.

self help, happy, joy

You pick up the sliver and throw it away. It may have cut your foot, felt like a setback. It too is temporary. The good news is the clean up is complete. It may have taken time to clean up the mess, but finally, it gets done.

So what can help with the clean up:

  • Acceptance that the glass is broken and YOU are going to be okay!
  • Let God know you’re ready to see what he has in store for you going forward.
  • Organize your day to allow for meditation, positive thought.
  • Begin to fill your mind with positive thoughts, read good books, watch real videos.
  • Yoga is a fantastic way to connect with yourself. Find a fun Yoga class. If you cannot afford a Yoga class, many hospitals, YWCA or community centers offer free or low fee classes.
  • Keep active. Walk, workout, visit the park, take your pets out, keep busy as much as possible. Activity keeps your mind somewhere else besides in the past. Dwelling on the broken glass just prolongs positive progress.

If you need to seek professional help, then don’t walk run towards the help you need. 

  • Local MHMR
  • Local Hospital
  • Pastoral Counseling Centers
  • Crisis Hotlines 1-800-273-8255
  • Online Counseling

Help is available no matter what your ability to pay.

It’s within grasp, a bright new life, NO more broken glass!

happy, new life, life

If you feel hopeless, life has shattered like glass just know. The glass can be cleaned up, and the New glass is better, more transparent, and beautiful to look through. So shall your life be it just takes you to make the first step?

I have walked in your shoes and continue to walk the path towards a new life. It’s within reach even when you don’t see a way out. Just over the hill is the life you dream of, hope, happy, fun, and the loving relationships we all deserve.

It’s your time, it’s our time, let’s get our new lives started. What do you say?

Buy Me A Coffee

New Day New Moment

It’s been a tough few months for me. Yesterday, was the end of a season in my life and today it’s time to let a new season unfold. I’m looking one more time in my rear view mirror to say goodbye.


self help, Bible, Faith, Hope

A new road, a new life, hope! 


What I choose to accept in my life today is that God is in complete control of my life. My one little struggle with that is letting God do his job, and I do mine. In my studies, I have come to learn that if I continue to look backward or in the rear view mirror several things are going to happen.

Looking backward:

  1. I will miss the exit God has directed me to take. The enemy will rejoice in that.
  2. I will inevitably crash if I keep my eye’s looking backward instead of what’s in front of me.
  3. I live status quo, miserable with no change.
  4. What was meant for my destiny will fly by me because I am not allowing my real chance to unfold. Why, because I am not looking forward to seeing my new life.

As you can see if we look backward nothing good can come from it. Yes, I never really wanted such a significant change in my life. On some fronts, I was very content and others in hindsight I was not me anymore, that was not good.

Even though struggle comes from looking into the past, it’s hard not too. What I have come to learn is that we must pray for the strength to look forward, we have to learn to become expectant of beautiful gifts the Bible has promised us and that Jesus paid for on the cross.

Today I trust you will make a pact with me that we will look forward, leave the status quo behind. God has a plan for our lives why not see what that will be!

Buy Me A Coffee




Staying Strong Tough Times

The past few months have been trying for me. A new season of my life is beginning while another part of my life is ending. Difficult to not work and live in both realities. New beginnings are a blessing, yet I mourn the loss I have suffered.

Making a difference this time is my commitment to God that I won’t lose. Falling apart because of my loss, not losing my job due to depression. These historically would rule my life. This time is different.

It recognizes a pattern that must brake for a real change. Yes, the pain of loss is some days overbearing. Do I allow the suffering of something to overtake my life, possibly destroy it again? Or do I ask God to show me a new way? I chose God!spiritual, prayer, family

For me to break the cycle of my life, it’s time to trust in something more than myself. If you read my work, you will hear me say over and over “live in your head, you’re done,” live in your heart, and you’re free.” I’m not suggesting you don’t use your head to walk a clear path. What I am suggesting is you look to your soul for guidance down the road.

When you take God’s will over your will, that is when change, blessing, and more than you could imagine beginning to happen. Call that which is not into existence in your life now. Thank God for prayer for the grace you seek. For example: “God thank you for my renewed life in you” even when you don’t feel that, call it into your life. Be grateful for that which you cannot see. I do this every day, and the changes are genuinely life-changing.

You can choose to live the same, and you call the shots. Everyone has free will to do as they please. What I mean about living in your head. Reach deep inside you and ask God to change your life. If you do, this God will bless you. I have had miracles happen that have put me to happy tears. Set in the work to change your life, it’s worth the investment!

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired pardon the cliche. Then why not try a new way. What have you got to lose? The answer to that is you will lose a life of depression, loss, and turmoil that has devastating results. Choosing a life that has meaning is what I’ve done. Sharing through my writing my journey, not to convert you that you will have to decide on your own. I can bring you to the water it’s up to you to drink.

Beginning this journey took a real commitment. Saying change and creating change are two different things. Work will have to be done to evoke change. Quitting when things get tough NOT an option. The old you will fight with a vengeance to destroy the new you. Prepare yourself that the journey to come will require tears, endurance, strength beyond any you’ve put forth in your life.

Amazingly you will come through. If you slip, start over, if you wreck start over, if you cry begin above, if you quit entering again, but don’t give up! When I am complaining, lost, and hurt because change is kicking my ass. I reach out to God and say, “I may be wavering in my faith, I may cuss the heavens because of the pain, but God, I am not giving up.”

Journeys are not without obstacles. Don’t for one minute think you can’t overcome what the enemy puts in front of you. You can, and you will overcome. I did many times and even now struggle to hold on to my faith. Your faith will be tested. Keep an understanding that in your heart you will many times say “I’m not losing this time.”

Changing of the seasons in our lives can be challenging to understand. For me, the last months have been hard. I had indeed hoped to fix the Brocken problem, but that is not to be, it’s not God’s will for my life. So, accepting God’s will over my intention has been hard. If I am ever going to have lasting happiness, then I need to follow God’s lead.

For the average human, we want to control everything. When it comes down to it, we don’t manage jack squat. Life is going to happen despite our efforts, especially if life doesn’t go your way. Accepting that God controls my destiny, that if I in my heart allow that. Life opens in ways I never dreamed.

It hasn’t been easy to accept God over my own will. It continues to be a challenge that I give to God regularly. Doing something your entire life and changing the course of your life is like turning a massive ship. You must be careful, and it does take time. Patience is a virtue, believe me, when I say, it most certainly is, so stay in faith even when you can’t find hope.

 Allow God to direct your steps. You will have the life you deserve! It’s that easy.