Challenges of Faith

Faith can be a complex and multifaceted concept, but at its core, it is a belief in something that is not necessarily tangible or provable. Whether faith in a higher power, a set of guiding principles, or oneself, faith can provide a sense of purpose and direction. It can also bring comfort and hope in times of adversity. However, maintaining faith can be challenging, especially when faced with doubts or difficult circumstances.

photography of a woman holding lights
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

Here are a few tips for preserving faith:

  1. Reflect on your values and beliefs: Take some time to think about what you believe in and why. Then, consider how these beliefs shape your actions and attitudes. Core beliefs can help to strengthen your faith and give it a foundation.
  2. Practice mindfulness: Being mindful means being present at the moment and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings. Doing so can help to bring a sense of clarity and perspective, which can help maintain faith.
  3. Seek out supportive communities: Surrounding yourself with others who share your beliefs can be a great source of support and encouragement. In addition, the family can be beneficial when faced with challenges or doubts.
  4. Find ways to express your faith: Whether it’s through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices, finding ways to express your faith can help to keep it strong.
  5. Remember that faith is a journey: It is natural to have doubts and challenges along the way. So don’t be too hard on yourself if your faith is not unwavering at all times. Instead, see these challenges as opportunities to grow and strengthen your faith.

Maintaining faith requires self-reflection, mindfulness, support, and a willingness to continue on a journey of personal growth and discovery. It can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding process.

Life’s Puzzle Solved

A sneak peak at my new book:

Chapter 1

Beginning Change

“They always say time changes things, but you have to change them yourself.” –Andy Warhol

Before you begin this book, I am going to ask you to do one thing. Do this; it will be liberating!

Accept your life as it is now. No matter your lot in life, where you are, or your social situation. Simply accept your life. Let go of everything and accept. Let go of mental things, let go of emotional pain, everything, let go of it.

Do this only for yourself. Don’t worry about others; this is you—absolute acceptance of your entire being. You do not have to prove a damn thing to anyone; be within yourself.

By doing this, you can start from a clean slate. Your life is a do-over. Accept who you are, where you are. Now everything can be fresh. Begin here. Acceptance!

“I accept who I am. Today is day one of my NEW life.”

Let’s talk about the next step from Acceptance.


Do you desire to change?

How bad do you want to change?

Enough to follow through, or will this go silently adrift into the abyss? (Being honest with yourself)

You, however, must desire and want change. People say all the time, “yes, I want that.” But, unfortunately, very few see change through to fruition.

You must be willing to change your environment, habits, and outlook to achieve lasting change.

Be sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Learn to set yourself up for success—activity vs. Productivity.

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” –Edmund Burke

Never think a small step or time is an issue. Forward momentum!

If you understand how something will impact your life in a meaningful way, you will change. Unfortunately, it is NOT motivation; you lack its knowledge.

Learn WHY and the rest will fall in place! When you learn enough to understand the outcome of what you are trying to change. It is fun at that point. You feel sucked in by the force of knowing something unique is about to happen.

It’s not possible to remain the same person every day until you die. Otherwise, you would still need diapers. We grow; we learn. It is the way of things.

Remember, the world may be in turmoil; you do not have to be. Life can control you, or you can manage your own life. Things will happen out of our control; however, if it is not in your lane, stay in your lane! Keep the faith that change is occurring and forthcoming.

Be open to change no matter how impossible your perception of life is right now. What happens to you is what you allow mentally (of course not physically). You have more strength than you know.

Beat down emotionally? The only way from here is up. Never fall into the mindset that life is over, no hope. Nothing is over until it’s over. Want to be done with all the bullshit? You can and will find a way. I did!

With the change, you may find that friends may fall out. If people in your life fade away, let them go. Sometimes change occurs. Destinies change. Be open.

Somedays, you will feel alone. Somedays, you will say F’ it, I am not strong enough. I, too, had those days, dark days to the point of resigning myself to ending my life. At that moment, shit just was not worth it anymore.

I am aimlessly walking through life with nothing to hope for, nothing to live for, and broken. I have shared this story a few times in my podcast and blog.

Four years or so ago. A failed marriage, a divorce that at the time I did not want. At the time, I loved my wife very much. To add insult to injury, I paid for a divorce that I did not wish to occur.

More to the point, once the pain subsided, I realized our lives had different destinations. Hurt, but it made sense.

With not much left in my life, I moved to West Texas at the request of my family. So off to West Texas Glitzy, my dog and I go.

Fast forward a bit. I began to go to Church in Odessa, Texas. Two amazing things happened to me.

First, I was searching for anything that would bring me peace.

While sitting in church one Sunday morning, the pastor was doing an alter call. Where folks in the congregation give themselves to Jesus Christ or reaffirm their decision, keep in mind for the next part that I, other than being polite and saying good morning, not a soul in the church, knew who I was.

On this Sunday, I raised my hand. After the prayer and everyone sat down. The pastor was walking across the stage and stopped. Turning back towards the crowd, he began to say, “Sir, sir” finally realizing he was calling out to me, I was surprised. The pastor said to me, “God had put in his heart that whatever creative things I was working on don’t stop.”

Not knowing me from Adam, the fact that I had been writing a great deal, my goal for that year was to publish my first book. How could he ever know that? Ponder that.

That year not only did I publish my first book, but I also actually published seven.

Second, a miracle that happened for me follows:

I have attended the church for several months now. But, honestly, at this moment, I will freely admit not much was changing, and I had fallen back into a deep depression.

An event at the church had come up a barbeque. As I sat alone at a table during the event, finding myself at the lowest point in my life. Nothing seemed like it would ever work out. At this moment, I made the decision it was simply time to go. End Life and end the pain. The scary part is a false sense of peace came over me.

At this moment, I hear some say, “Bob is that you?” As I turned, I saw Paulette, the Pastors wife standing behind me and calling out to me as I had made this horrible decision.  

Paulette asked me what I was doing sitting alone. We exchanged pleasantries, and she invited me to sit at her table and join her friends. I hesitantly accepted.

As the evening progressed, I began to realize people were genuinely friendly. I was enjoying myself entirely for the first time in what seemed to be years.

On my way home, I felt at peace.

My point to these two events is this. No way could Pastor Don have had any idea I was a writer. Likewise, Paulette could not have known that seconds before she said something to me, I had planned that my life was not worth living.

In my mind, God spoke through them to me not one time but two. So my belief tells me that God said that my life did have meaning in my darkest moment.  

Whether you believe or have faith, miracles do happen. Change can happen. We don’t always understand why life is what it is, but hope does exist, even when you find yourself ready to give up.

My prayer for you is never to think that life cannot be changed for the better. I am living proof that you can. Even though I did not want a divorce, I am excited about my life and the days ahead.

Writing brings me joy and peace. When writing, I honestly feel that is what I am supposed to be doing.

“Change is hard until it’s not.”—Robert Bruton

First, you must begin right now to be open to change. To say to yourself, “what if this guy is right?” I can change my entire life no matter age, gender, education, or station in life. You can change. Simply put, you must want change.

This statement will sting a little bit because it is brutally honest. Get these two statements out of your head:

  • “I am old school.” I am not going to change. (Hard truth answer. You’re too lazy to change.) Ouch, but damn, stop saying that.
  • “I am not a morning person.” (Get your ass out of bed. A life filled with happiness, and you would rather sleep lazy ass.) Ouch again, but NO, you can get up and meet the day with everything that is you; come on now.

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” –Muhammad Ali

Limiting beliefs are no longer a part of our mantra. (PSA: sometimes we must swallow the truth that chokes us).

If you are reading this book, let us assume your answer is in the affirmative.

My mother has a great saying to my sister and me. “You did not wreck yourself overnight; you cannot fix yourself overnight.” Patience is the call of the day. As we begin this book, you will be changing many aspects of your psyche and old paradigms to wash away.

In my podcast this morning, I related a story that I would like to tell you now.

When you look at herds of animals, one animal always stands out from the entire herd or pack. In this example, I will use horses because I love horses. As horses move about, they, like all herd animals, have one leader. Imagine yourself in the herd, running across the open plains doing your thing. Today, however, you begin to run faster and stronger than you ever have. You are overtaking the lead horse.

This newfound strength came upon you. Nothing special about you thus far, but today you found a whole new speed in your run. Today you’re leading the herd.

We all have something profound within us that, at any moment, can come out. When you learn to quiet your mind, keep still in the face of adversity. You will find this new speed. Keep reading because this book is filled with more than you can imagine. Life is about to change.

Most of us buy into the “we are where we are” syndrome. You may be today, but you damn sure can be in a new place tomorrow. Get that straight out of your head; you will thank me later.

We all must learn not to listen to society’s norms. Even a well-meaning family can stifle dreams. Only two people know whether you can or cannot do a thing—you and God. Everything else is conversation.

Learning to look at life taking these things out of the equation:

  1. Money is not a problem
    (how you say? We can all figure out how to start on a shoestring or fund a project. It just takes knowledge).
  2. Knowledge is not a problem
    (how you say? Gaining knowledge about anything is an online or library search away).
  3. Time is not the problem

(How you say? Learn the difference between Activity vs. Productivity, and you will master your life). My pee tests. “Did you pee today?” Yes, being the most common answer. You told me you did not have time to do anything. Yet you had time to pee. Mull that over a while, it will come to you! (Spoiler alert you have to)

These three items have been staples in how to set goals for years.





As we journey through this book, you will learn how to master your fear. Learn to condition yourself to remain calm under extreme pressure when necessary and stay calm through life.

Arguably the most debilitating of all emotions is fear. So stop you in your tracks, and these phrases have that ability for now:

  • Lose my job. Voluntarily or not.
  • Ruin my credit.
  • I have bills.
  • I have children and a mortgage.
  • I don’t know-how.

You can damn sure talk yourself out of anything—fear talking. But, in later chapters, we will learn how to overcome fear with knowledge.

Baby steps are okay. Forward momentum is always a good thing, big or small. Just keep the inertia moving forward.

“The person who says it cannot be done. Should stop interrupting the person doing it.”—Chinese Proverb

You are talking yourself out of doing something or allowing someone to talk you out of something you are enthusiastic about stops now. Learn to believe in your ability. Not, others’ interpretation of your abilities. Significant difference.

How many success stories have you heard from early on in a company’s Genesis that major players walked by and said, “oh, that’s not ever going to work.” Microsoft®, Apple®, Compaq®, FedEx®, and others all laughed at early on. Belief, perseverance, and the wisdom to learn from failures and build back stronger. Your life is just like that.

Change may not come at the first door; you may need to open a few before walking through the right one.

When you believe strongly enough (not wishful thinking) that you ache to do something, it calls to you. Then you figure the way. Knowledge is the key. Then, you will achieve your wildest dreams.

Knowledge is one of the key ingredients you will utilize to have people ask you in the beginning, “Why are you doing that?” to then ask you, “How did you do that?” Knowledge to achieve, solve, and overcome. The real question will be, are you willing to learn?

Learning is just like a bicycle. When you begin to learn to ride a bike, you suck. Skinned knees, maybe a broken bone, but you continue to LEARN. As you progress, you take one hill, then the next until you’re a kamikaze finding the steepest hill, the most significant jump, not caring if you bust your ass. Why? You have learned and mastered the bike.

Life is the same way. You have learned and mastered life. You don’t care if you bust your ass. Why because you know HOW to get back up. You learn to love the journey, good and bad, instead of focusing on a small failure only to peter out.

It is liberating!

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” –Wayne Dyer 

What I hear in that statement is change brings about knowledge. The bicycle metaphor, in the beginning, could be construed as menacing because you bust your ass all the time. However, as you gain knowledge to ride the bike proficiently, the bike looks like tremendous fun.

Life can be the same!

When I was a kid, I skied in Ruidoso, New Mexico. First, the ski area was named Sierra Blanca; after the mountain peak, it later changed to Ski Apache.

In my youth, the ski run I most wanted to conquer was a run called Capitan. Very steep with huge moguls. To a young boy, very foreboding. The first attempt going down the hill took what seemed to be hours traversing the mountain from one side to the other.

Capitan became one of my favorite runs to ski, and I eventually skied many races on that run with time. I went from traversing side to side to being able to downhill the slope. No turns straight, tuck, and down we go.

After a time of overcoming fear, I was able to do anything I wanted on the hill. For me, it was one of the biggest thrills of achievement in my life. Many a fun race day I had was spent on that hill.

With time and practice, you too can overcome your fear of skiing your Capitan.

To solve life’s puzzle, you need knowledge and lots of it. Conquering fear is nothing more than the knowledge to decipher what you fear. Humans are not fearful of anything they understand. Guys who handle venomous snakes (I agree crazy as hell) do so because they know how to do so. Therefore, they can take and control dangerous situations. Bomb guys the same way. Ability overcomes difficult fear and lets healthy respect reside.

Become a student of life.

For example:

  • Are you the go-to person in your field for a professional opinion if a national broadcast calls you? No, why?
  • The most challenging problem in your life, do you curl up in a ball or hit them head-on? If you knew how to solve the problem, would you still curl up in a ball? NO!
  • Want to change the world? How? Knowledge to solve the problems of the world might be an excellent place to start.
  • Want a better job? Learn how to do something better, more proficiently, and you will land a better-paying job. Solving someone’s problems and pay is not a problem. Think about that for a minute.
  • About to lose a relationship. Learn what it takes to have a safe, happy, loving, healthy relationship, and you will not. Or better still, if you lose, you won’t close it on yourself the next time that door opens.

Learn to solve problems, get out in front of an issue solve it. Money will not be your problem.

Remember you must start somewhere. Never think, “oh, if I get the job now, I can solve problems later.” No, get the knowledge and work your way towards your result. You cannot skip forward and expect lasting change. Do the work!

Improvise, Adapt, and overcome!

You do not need a formal education to fix your life—knowledge is accessible to all. It would help if you simply found it. Not hard at all.

When you learn that life is not holding you back, you are. It’s not what side of the tracks you were born on, education or no education. So many men and women throughout history have come from horrible situations to achieve beautiful things.

Society would like to have you believe that it’s only a select few who can achieve. Stop buying a pile of horse manure.

When you say, I don’t have the education to do that. Most successful entrepreneurs came from nothing, had nothing, and indeed no formal education.

You can gain knowledge through so many avenues:

  • Library, read as many books as you can, read daily. One hour per day X 365 days is 365 hours of study!
  • Online Searches (research) any subject you need help with learning.
  • Seminars (in person and online)
  • Training courses (in-person and online)
  • Volunteering
  • Find a Mentor
  • SBA / Score (internet search if you don’t know what this is)

Open yourself to new ideas and new ways of learning!

Srinivasa Ramanujan was an Indian mathematician that had virtually no formal math training. Yet, in his day, he solved math problems that others said were unsolvable. Moreover, his work was so advanced other scholars of the day dismissed his work.

He mainly worked in isolation. But, from this one book, A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics, G. S. Carr’ this young man was able to extrapolate some of the most thought-provoking work in mathematical history. One book changed his life forever!

Sadly, this young man died at age 32.

Think about this for a minute. Your life could change forever reading one book—extraordinary to think.

Considered today, Srinivasa Ramanujan is a legend within the mathematic community and with scholars.

Another person of notable success you will certainly recognize is Demi Moore. “I was born in Roswell, New Mexico and raised by alcoholic parents in a trailer park.” (Roswell is my birthplace)

From that beginning, she did not let her environment, or lack thereof, deter her from becoming an excellent Hollywood star.

Change only occurs when you change! Do you want to change?

Asperger Syndrome:

A developmental disorder was affecting the ability to socialize and communicate effectively.

Asperger syndrome is a condition on the autism spectrum, with generally higher functioning.

Consider Elon Musk, who suffers from Asperger’s. This amazing man has not let what some would say a disability keep him from reaching his vision. Instead, he does what he loves, someone that pursues space travel; let’s say it is not a regular Joe job.

 A disorder that makes social situations awkward, I think we can all agree Elon Musk has articulated his vision in a meaningful way.

Excuses for our lives stop at this moment!

“I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my side, be an advocate for myself and others like me.” –Maya Angelou

You must buckle down and work. Learn how to apply knowledge to a situation and see how quickly your life changes. When you can step in front of a problem with the actual ability to solve it, the world is yours.

You have attained knowledge. Think about something that you might be afraid to try. Dancing, for example. When you begin to learn a dance, you probably look dorky until you master the steps. You don’t simply walk on the dance floor and waltz the first time beautifully. However, with practice, you will look graceful on the floor.

At that point, fear is out the window!

What if I fail? You fail if you don’t try!

What if I look stupid? Who Cares???

Everyone begins at ground zero. We all had to start somewhere with only the knowledge that we possessed at that moment. As time moved, so did the skill level; this, in turn, brings down the level of fear to a manageable level.

From an article I wrote:

What does it take to make lasting and real change?

Simply writing out goals with no concrete plan of action is useless. Lord, I want a million dollars in my bank account, do nothing, and by some miracle, it will happen because you wished it!

Sorry to burst bubble; life change takes real work. Wishing for something to happen is flat going to get you ZERO.

Want to learn the secret sauce?

Organize your life to win. From the time you get up to the time you go to bed, be about good works. Yes, you can have time for messing about. The basic plan daily is getting our job done, then playing—a balance of productivity and activity. Learn to master the difference between the two, and you will achieve your heart’s desire.

Life cannot be all about you. Make some room for making a difference every day. It can be as simple as sharing a smile, a hearty good morning. Perhaps, you visited a total stranger in the hospital or nursing home to spread good cheer. Just be a blessing to anyone today. First and foremost, to lead a life of abundance.

Everything else will fall in place when you set out to change your life to achieve happiness, peace, and joy in your heart. Having peace in your head will give you access to the far reaches of your brain. Learning to declutter our minds will open creative thoughts.

How do you say do I slow down my brain long enough to have a positive thought?


Learning through prayer and meditation to slow down decompress our brain to begin receiving new thoughts and ideas. Problem solved with a clear head.

(We have a chapter on Mediation) 

As I finished this book, I returned to this spot to share a different story that I heard in a video. It struck me as thought-provoking.

I watched a video by a helicopter pilot who flies for a major TV show in Alaska. He shared a story about something he asked a Coast Guard Helicopter rescue pilot. The TV pilot asked: “how do you know when a flight is a no-go or go due to weather conditions?” To which the Coast Guard Pilot replied: “When we get called out on a rescue, the weather is normally torrential due to the nature of the call, may-day distress. The weather is not the factor if we can open the hanger door in the storm we go.” Meaning if they can manage to open the hanger door in a torrential storm, they fly no matter the conditions.

My point to this is you have a decision to make. Your life is a mayday call. Are you going to let a storm stop you? Or will you move the hanger door the hell out of the way so you can do your job? People can find the will to overcome anything. Each of us can fly no matter what the weather.

Time to fly!

Available at Amazon:

Give Up or Win!

You can give up or you can breakthrough! Choose wisely.

The difference between winning, change, or a continuation of the same. Don’t give up! Faith in all that you do will see you through the tough times when you want to give up. Giving up comes in the form of emotional pain.

I call it kicking your own ass! 

We are conditioned from a very young age to avoid pain. Our brain will have us run from pain. Here is an example of overcoming emotional torture.

Prayer, God, Spiritual

Marathon runners hit what they call the wall. This happens late in the race when your body is so fatigued your brain begins to say you need to stop NOW. Runners say they feel as though they are hurting their bodies beyond measure.

Yet studies have found this is all in mind. That if you can break through this process, on the other side, you complete the Marathon. Bodies are not injured, it’s simply fatigued that your brain registers as pain.

Humans can see themselves through tremendous emotional pain. You genuinely do not know what you can take until you try. More often than not, giving up too soon, when achievement is just one more step away. Success can take one action further than most are willing to do.

Yes, you will have to work through emotional pain to achieve real success in anything you set out to make. Moreover, this is worth your investment, time, and energy. Stop losing and learn to win. Achieve more than you dreamt of!

How you say?

Learning to recondition yourself, your auto-response to emotional pain. This takes time and your fullest attention. 

  1. Look at the state of your home or office. Is it cluttered? Is it clean? Clean is good, cluttered is bad will talk about that. The state of your mind runs congruent with the state of your account. East start, get your home and office in order! 
  2. Organize your life to win. In my book, we talk about activity vs. productivity. When you fully understand the difference, this is the secret sauce. For example, the action is social media, gabbing, etc. Productivity: net a result. Work on a project to completion in a set time. 
  3. Take care of Body, Mind & Soul. Eat healthy, walk, get in the sunshine. Take time to unplug from social media (most significant waste of your time) phones, get outside and leave the phone at home or in the car. Unplug! 
  4. Meditate and pray. During your meditation, see yourself as you would love to live. It’s not about fancy cars, mansions, it’s about being present in a moment. Success will come if you can actually be present in a moment. Giving full attention to the tasks at hand. See yourself and pray to God for wisdom. Not possessions. 
  5. Learn. Simple enough. Make time every day to broaden your mind. Watch videos, take a master class, attend night school. Do something that brings a better you to this world. 

Five quick things to get started.

None of this will make any difference if you don’t follow-through. This means set out reminders for 1 Year. Exercise, make time for an entire year to exercise. One hour per day for 365 days = 365 hours of training, education, family. It’s time to organize to win in life.

For the “I don’t have time, crowd.” Let me piss you off here and say YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO MANAGE YOUR TIME, AND I CAN PROVE IT. I can also HELP!

Give me ONE day of honest assessment:

  • Track your day literally every 30 minutes make a note of what you have done in this space of time. Journal your day as close to the times as you can. 
  • Be HONEST (Goofed off, social media, personal stuff, bathroom breaks) Chronicle it all HONESTLY. 

Then with all the time, you’ve wasted doing junk. Add that number up and times it by your work weekdays.

I would challenge you to fill 1 hour with complete focus. NO phone, no email, nothing but real production. As you can begin to focus like this on daily tasks, complete one move on (oh, by the way, multi-taskers the 90’s called they want you to come home).

Laser-sharp focuses on the task at hand. Start and complete. It’s much harder than you might think to fill an entire hour with PRODUCTION.

Now you must begin to realize the enemy; your head will not want to let go of your goof-off time smoothly. You will start “this doesn’t work” “its too hard” will fill your head with crap. How bad do you want to win? Bad enough to not kick your own ass???

This is why we set out a year for changes in our life. You want lasting change? Do something that produces a result religiously for one hour per day for an entire year. This time next year, you will not know yourself as you do today. You will have achieved much, my dear friends.

Two of my books are great starts:

Organize your Life to Win


Christian book, Life Change, Organize


Tying it All Together

book, eBook, paperback book

God’s Package Does Not Arrive Overnight

When you say a prayer earnestly and put faith behind the prayer. God, is packaging up your blessing and sending it on its way to you.

The key to receiving your blessing is not put a time limit on God. You can’t click overnight delivery while asking God for anything. But he does get your help moving; the real question is, will you be available when your package arrives?

prayer, faith, God, Jesus

Some answers come quickly, while others take time. Can you stay in faith long enough to receive the gift he has for you?

Something we never know is what God has to do way out in front of our lives to move the right people, right timing, proper resources, for our blessing to manifest. If we learn to have faith in our daily walk, do the work before us to allow our benefit to come.

What comes is always more than we imagined. Why? Because we stay in faith!

Of course, you cannot sit on your fanny and expect God to put the package right in your hands while you sit on the couch. Do what your heart tells you to do daily.

If you get enough prayers going, do the work before you. It’s imaginable that blessing will begin to come in all the time. How exciting!

The Bible says, “you have not because you ask not.” Begin to imagine the life you want where the money is not the problem, resources, education, connections are all not the problem.

Begin to believe God for everything you desire in your life. Walk daily in faith and begin to see your life change in ways you never thought possible.

For example, I had asked God to publish one book in 2019, just one. I published 8 in 2019 thank you very much. I did the work, and God put in my heart stories that I put to paper. I have already published 2 more books in 2020.

Remember, God does not run an overnight package service. What he does run is a miracle service if you do the work and believe.

  1. Start praying for the life you want!
  2. Write down these prayers and read them daily!
  3. Do the work before you. No matter how small a step you take, take action!
  4. Let God know that you believe with all that is you every day. 

Do these few things every day. Don’t lose hope or faith even in the darkest moments of your life. It’s hard, but that mustard seed of faith can move mountains.

Never worry about how! God has you.

Questions or commments:


Are You Working Your Gift

Class gets yourself a scratch pad and pen. No, seriously, get a paper and pen!

In the next few questions, I want you to write down the answers to the questions posed. The test is you all will pass.

Take time to answer the 3 questions. Then when you’ve responded to them add one more section to your answer, WHY?

  1. When the alarm clock goes off, are you excited?
  2. Do you love your job? 
  3. Does your life have meaning for YOU? 

The vast majority of us will answer, “hell no, I have when the alarm clock goes off.” Why?

You are NOT living your gift!

happy, self improvement, spiritual


God has something for each of us. A gift.

Everyone has something that wakes them up before the alarm goes off. You love your job because, to you, it’s not a job. If you are living God’s gift, absolutely life has meaning.

Life has no flavor, no scent for you to smell. You get up and go to some job, have an idiot for a boss, and life appears to be sleep, work, and repeat.

Are you ready to find God’s real purpose for your life?


  1. Find a place where you feel at peace. Lakeside, river, fountain, park, mountains, but find a spot where you can be at peace. 
  2. Begin to talk to God. Ask him for the wisdom and vision to see your life’s purpose. What gift that God wants you to share with the world. You may already have an idea. Embrace the thought, make it yours in your mind. 
  3. If needed, keep coming to this place until it comes to you. When God is ready for you to know, if you’re like me, he will hit you over the head with it, so you don’t miss. 
  4. When you have an idea. Write it down. As clearly and concisely as you are able. 

Be open-minded and, most importantly, have patience.

Big question:

How am I going to begin, this is where the “I don’t have ________.” will destroy your dream. 

If God can bring the Universe into existence, I am pretty sure he can bring your life’s purpose to fruition. Since he put it in your head, don’t you imagine he has a plan to finish?

You may have to pray, “God, I don’t see a way for this to ever occur. I leave this in your hands to guide my way.” Then stay in faith! Do the work no matter how small or insignificant you may think forward motion is. It’s still forward motion.

You can always find something to do that moves you one step closer to your dream.

One time in your life. Give yourself the gift of running all the way with God. You will get knocked down, run over, feel as though one more step will be your last (metaphorically speaking), yet you take one more step.

Stop now and go to God and let him know you are ready!

Questions or share your dream, I would love to hear: