Job vs.Your Choice Career

Are you in a job that you either hate or just it’s just a means to an end? Too old to think you can change telling yourself the cliche it is what it is! 

Twenty-somethings this is a good article for you as well. Do you want to spend your life in a dead-end job or do something that you love?

career, dream job, passion

If you want to change the trajectory of life. Live life on fulfilling your dreams then read on.

The first thing it is never too late or too soon to figure out what you want to do to sustain your life.

Questions to begin:

  1. If time, money or education was not the problem what would you do?
  2. If age was not a limitation what would you do?

Take a moment and write down your answers. Give this some real thought. 

Where most fail is self-doubt. You fail before you ever even try. Don’t start with the I can’t excuse. “Whether you say you can or can’t you’re right.”–Henry Ford  

Don’t fall prey to old paradigms that have stalled your life. Whether young or old you will define your life by the actions you do or don’t take. Bad habits such as self-doubt can be overcome. It just takes a bit of practice.

Question 2:

  • How do you define success over your life? What does success look and feel like to you?

Take a few minutes to answer this question. There is no right or wrong it’s what you feel.

No matter what you wrote down your definition needs to be how you feel. Not influenced by others. Sometimes you have to take this journey on your own. A well-intentioned family may hinder your progress with negativity. Them saying you can’t is an opinion, not a reality. Same with close friends.

Making a major change in your life sometimes requires you to walk alone. Do not despair, spiritually you’re not alone.

As you come into your own, folks close to you will come around. Remember misery loves company so choose wisely whom you share aspirations with. Only bring into your life those that will uplift you!

Take time to think all this through, get very clear on your direction. Set a course and never look back! Godspeed.

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