Dwelling on the Past

One primary cause for not moving forward in your life; Dwelling in the past. Working out stuff that is merely in the past. What can you really do to change things that have long since history?

So you’ve done something in your past, or something has happened to you from days gone by, and you can’t let go. If you can clear these questions, it’s time to move on:

  1. Anyone you may have hurt have you made amends if that is possible?
  2. Did you learn anything from what happened?
  3. Have you taken steps to correct yourself if it was your issue?
  4. Are you tired of your current situation and ready to change?

If you answered yes to one or all then maybe it’s time to let go. Moreover, maybe its time to look forward!

Relationships could be categorized in the top two of the most common things to let go and move on from. If you haven’t moved on, then make ‘s think about a few things. Yes, you may in your HEAD believe that life is over without this person, but that is just not true. NO, you don’t want to hear that, but I can tell you from experience, you can let go.

If someone does not want you then why on earth would you consider wanting them? Let’s say they did come back after you begged them too. How long do you really think it will last? If your spouse wants out, this was a long time coming. Most likely, they have fallen out of love with you for some time. The hard part you haven’t YET!

self help, God, Jesus

I am a big supporter of keeping your marriage together. Counseling and hard work. Yes! If however, no reconciliation by the other person can occur, it’s time to move on. You have to search your heart that perhaps God is moving this person out of your life to make room for someone right for you. Painful, hell yes, but at the end of the day do you want a healthy, happy marriage or the same status quo that you had?

Sometimes, as painful as a breakup can be, it’s for the best possible outcome. What I thought I wanted from my ex-wife was a reconciliation. She did not. I just knew we could fix our marriage. When I was forced to face the reality of divorce. Open my eyes and say okay, I don’t want this, but maybe God has a new plan for my life. I surrendered to it, let go genuinely. Wow, being opened up to a modern day.

I stopped looking backward and put my sights forward. This is the whole point of this article. You cannot see a NEW future unfold in front of you while you’re dwelling in the past. Think about if driving down the freeway continually looking in your rear-view mirror you will eventually crash. You do not deserve to crash, open your eyes, and look down the road.

No matter what mistakes you’ve made in the past. That’s the point they’re in the past! You can make amends where possible and not make that mistake again. If you can honestly say, “I screwed up, but that’s not me anymore.” Move on, move forward with what life has to show you.

Mistakes are not life sentences. They’re just that mistakes. If you have people around you, reminding you continually about your mistakes, tell them to move on. That’s petty, and you just don’t need to keep those folks around. Misery loves company. For naysayers ask them to keep it moving. When your heart says you that you’ve done as much as you can to the right a wrong. Let’s move on!

Your past does not define the person you are or could be. Don’t let mistakes define your life. Don’t let lost relationships determine your final outcome. Through the pain, we find strength, blessings, and miracles. Allow life, to open a new for you.

We have all made mistakes in your lives that we’re not proud of. Even had things done to us by someone that hurt us deeply. Both sides of this coin we need to let go of. Dwelling on what we did or what happened to us serves no purpose other than pain. I get only too well that if our pain was inflicted by another, that is hard as hell to let go.

When it comes to hurt, we suffer from an event in our life that was inflicted upon us. This pain cannot be easily undone or ever for that matter. What we can focus on is that it was not our fault, we did not deserve what happened. My prayer is that God will help you to put the pain away. God loves you, I love you as a human being, that your life can and will be happy, fulfilled, prosperous, and full of joy.

These things may seem unattainable at this moment, but they do exist. They exist when you can let go (not forget) and no longer accept that what has happened defines you. It does not. What distinguishes you is what God’s plan for your life as you begin to open your heart to receive. Let God have your pain, ask him to take your pain, and show you the growth he has for you.

I would not presume to say I have walked in anyone’s shoes, nor could you state you have walked in mine. What I can with all my heart tell you that through the pain, is joy, freedom, and a life you have earned because of your struggle. When I say life, I mean a beautiful experience.

God did not put eyes in the back of your head. I can imagine the reason is you need to keep looking forward. What’s behind you is just that; behind you!

  • Your past does not define who you really are!
  • Your past is not a life sentence of pain!

Open up and see what God has for you. Life is out there, waiting to laugh with you.

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